What to Do When You Hit The Rock Bottom (Overcoming Depression)
FREEBIE 🎉👇 Free 3 in 1 The Body Mastery Bundle 👉https://biohackbody.com/freebie/ The Body Mastery Roadmap: 7 Steps To Lose Weight and Keep It Off While Getting Healthy Without Sabotaging Your Results 👉https://biohackbody.com/freebie/ 12 Nutritional Principles to Achieve Health, Energy, Vitality,…

3 New Biohacks for Treatment-Resistant Anxiety
In this special edition episode we’re going to cover three new biohacks for treatment resistant anxiety. So if anxiety is something that visits you in your life, if it’s something that people you know and love have struggled with, this…

Breathwork for Anxiety and Experiencing a Natural Psychedelic State w/ Christian the Yogic Monk
New podcast interview with Christian Minson, leader of the breathwork program at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Christian is an International Speaker, Best-Selling Contributing Author, Trainer, Coach and Founder of Breathflow Wellness, a transformational holistic health business. In…

Why Breathing Exercises Are Important • Niraj Naik
Listen to Niraj Naik, ‘The Renegade Pharmacist’ & holistic wellness expert, explain how different breathing exercises through breathwork training can change your physiology and help improve healing & your health. Due to his background as a pharmacist, Niraj saw first-hand…

How Does CBD Oil Work? • Dr Philip Blair MD
Listen to US family physician, Dr Philip Blair, explain how CBD oil helps to control seizures, anxiety, inflammation, pain & arthritis and many other diseases. If you know someone who is interested in how they can use CBD oil to…

Is Hypnosis Safe & Good For You? • Bill Patterson
Listen to Bill Patterson, Australia based Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist explain how hypnosis works and why it can be a hugely beneficial addition for better mental health. If you know someone who is interested in finding out about how hypnosis…

Mikhaila Peterson Diet of Only Meat (Success Story)
Listen to Mikhaila Peterson, daughter of Jordan Peterson and Don’t Eat That blogger share why she and her dad are now all-meat/carnivore diet proponents due to the dramatic changes in Mikhailas’ arthritis and depression signs and symptoms. In today’s interview,…

Lois Maharg: Insomnia vs Night Owl Syndrome + Best Ways to Fix Poor Sleep
Listen to insomnia research journalist, Lois Maharg, about how she went on the hunt to understand what causes insomnia & how to fix it. Lois is very passionate about understanding what causes people to suffer with insomnia and how it is…