Greg Potter PhD – How Nutrition & Our Habits Can Affect Sleep

In today’s interview I get to speak with Greg Potter (PhD) a sleep, nutrition, and metabolism researcher about the bad habits that affect sleep and the role of nutrition in sleep quality.

#chrononutrition #podcast #biohackerslab

Greg is very passionate about helping people feel their best and improve their health and performance by implementing sustainable changes to their lifestyle.

The first step to fixing broken sleep is figuring out what is causing it. While we all strive for better sleep and waking up restful and energized, figuring out how to get there will be unique to the individual.

Today, Greg shares with us the important factors we need to consider when trying to improve our sleep, how important is diet and what we eat, and how should we be eating for improved sleep?

If you know someone who is interested in learning more about:

πŸ‘‰How to go about fixing a broken sleep schedule
πŸ‘‰What is sleep hygiene and why is it important
πŸ‘‰What factors make up high quality sleep
πŸ‘‰How to manage stimulus control
πŸ‘‰How diet influences sleep; are carbohydrates good or bad
πŸ‘‰How creatine can help
πŸ‘‰What is chrononutrition and advice on how to utilize time-restricted eating
πŸ‘‰Tips on better sleep

Then this interview is for them.

I really enjoyed talking to Greg who shared so much helpful information about improving sleep. We have only just scratched the surface today and already I can see myself trying out a number of actionable tips to see if I can improve sleep quality.

Special thanks to Greg for joining me on the show. Enjoy the episode!

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