Vanessa Spina: Biohack Your Body With a Keto Diet & BLOOD TESTING at Home

Join our hugely popular “Optimize Your Gut” -online course and get to know your OWN GUT:…

Vanessa Spina is an author and expert on the Ketogenic Diet. She is also the founder of Ketogenic Girl, which provides effective ketogenic meal plans and coaching for weight loss and healing. Vanessa has coached over 2,300 people to date in her program based on the therapeutic approach to keto and teaching how to biohack your body by testing your blood for ketosis at home on her 28 Day Ketogenic Girl challenge program. She is a passionate health and biohacking advocate for preventative and optimal health for all and believes in the power of food not only to satisfy and delight us, but also to heal our bodies.

This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Helsinki in October 2017. Check​​​​​ for upcoming events & tickets!

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Natural Cholesterol Cure is the Best For You

High cholesterol starts with yourself because definitely you and your bad eating habits are the cause for the mess and therefore cleaning it up will also be your concern. Today, medications for cholesterol will actually do you more harm than good in that they have adverse side effects and therefore it would be good for you to try out the natural cures. Natural cures for cholesterol are easy as well as very cheap to administer because they comprise of components that are readily available in the market.

Therapeutic Uses For Audio – Using Sound to Improve Your Life

When folks hear about learning to record and produce audio from your own home studio, many think it’s only for musicians or maybe for internet entrepreneurs and marketers for their podcasts and videos. But it turns out that there are many uses for audio to improve health and fitness. Certain types of sound can reduce stress, improve sleep, change your mood, relieve the symptoms of tinnitus, and the list goes on.

Natural Cholesterol Cure is the Best For You

High cholesterol starts with yourself because definitely you and your bad eating habits are the cause for the mess and therefore cleaning it up will also be your concern. Today, medications for cholesterol will actually do you more harm than good in that they have adverse side effects and therefore it would be good for you to try out the natural cures. Natural cures for cholesterol are easy as well as very cheap to administer because they comprise of components that are readily available in the market.

Instant Relief From Mouth Ulcers With Simple Home Remedies

Generally mouth ulcers are caused due to overheat in the body, most of the people never use simple remedies for instant relief from mouth ulcers. They directly go to medical store or consult a doctor for relief from mouth ulcers. If you know these simple homemade home remedies you can get instant relief from mouth ulcers.

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