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Watch the full conference recording at the website.
In this opening keynote of the Biohacker Summit 2018 Stockholm,
Hannes Sjoblad first goes through amendments to the human constitution in a letter to mother nature (Max More 1999).
Then biohacker Teemu Arina dives deep into optimizing human metabolic pathways, genetics and biomarkers by utilizing quantified self information available through various sensors and trackers. Finally he concludes, that in order to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, you first have to recognize that you are a product of your behaviour and environment and by using bioinformatics we can finally move from sickcare to true preventive healthcare.
Why Should You Consider Getting Headache Relief From A Chiropractor?
There are many who find that they are suffering from frequent or severe headaches, and this is a condition that can be very difficult to live with. At times, it can even interrupt your daily routine in a way that will make you realize it is time to do something about it.
Using A Warm Mist HumidifierA warm mist humidifier is something that can help you to fight off a cold. Learn how to use it the right way.
Buckwheat – Discover The Healing Properties Of The Plant (Part 1)The article deals with the healing properties of the buckwheat. In addition, it describes simple guidelines in how to use the plant in case of various health problems.
Hemorrhoids Can Make You Miserable – Here Is How You Solve The ProblemWhen you suffer from the pain and itching of hemorrhoids, you have a problem you’re embarrassed to talk about. It’s highly personal, and yet a topic you want to deal with and get over with so that you can move on with your life.
Recovering From Shoulder Surgery With AcupunctureRecovering from a shoulder surgery can take 6-7 months to get 75-80% of your strength and function back. Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas can take months off that recovery time. Each stage of the recovery process can be shortened, leaving you free to move forward with your life faster. Acupuncture helps to lower pain, reduce swelling, maintain range of motion, stop keloid scar tissue from forming and strengthen your immune system.
Homemade Sinus Irrigation SystemWhen you have a sinus problem it helps to use a sinus rinse. Learn how you can save money and make your own.
Explaining Sweaty PalmsIt isn’t easy having sweaty palms when you work with your hands a lot. You can’t grip things firmly. Things slip right off.
How to Get Rid of or Prevent Dry SkinThe epidermis is exposed to regular attacks from the environment. It could develop several problems, conditions and disorders. It facilitates its very own ecosystem that can’t be taken away by cleansing.
The Three Parts of HealthWhen people hear the word health, they readily associate it with one’s physical condition. People would consider someone healthy if he/ she is not sick or doesn’t get sick easily. The absence of any diseases or illness is not the sole factor to evaluate someone’s general health.
6 Ways to Maintain HealthMaintaining one’s health is a lifelong process. Not like a certain task that you quit doing once the goal has been achieved, staying healthy is continuous process that we should never get tired of. If taking care of your health is one of your primary objectives, there are certain things in your life that you need to reevaluate. Here are some simple ways to get you health back on track…
9 Tips to Improve HealthMore and more people are now aware of how important health is. Some people spends much time in the gym like a fitness freak while others are getting more and more frustrated with losing weight and improving their health. Here are simple tips that you can follow that will surely help you improve your health.
Practical Ways to Improve HealthLots of fitness and diet programs have promised people drastic change and health improvement. However, most of these fads won’t do the trick to generally improve your well-being. This is because there is no quick fix when it comes to health.