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Ben Greenfield is an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, obstacle course racer, human performance consultant, speaker and author of 13 books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training”. Ben has been voted by the NSCA as America’s top Personal Trainer and by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness. He works with individuals from all over the globe for both body and brain performance, and specializes in anti-aging, biohacking, and achieving an ideal combination of performance, health and longevity. A frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and a highly sought after speaker, Ben’s understanding of functional exercise, nutrition, and the delicate balance between performance and health has helped thousands of people around the world achieve their goals and improve their quality of life – from high level CEO’s to soccer moms to professional athletes and beyond. He is the founder and owner of KION, a company that provides everything a human being needs to achieve peak performance, look amazing, defy aging, and live an adventurous, fulfilling, joyful and limitless life. Ben coaches and trains individuals for general health, anti-aging, weight loss, lean muscle gain, holistic wellness, and both body and brain performance, from his physical location in Spokane, Washington, as well as all over the world via online training and consulting. In college, Ben competed in tennis, water polo, and volleyball, and now competes as a top ranked triathlete and Spartan athlete and a multiple Ironman Hawaii finisher. Ben resides in Spokane, Washington with his wife, Jessa, and twin boys, River and Terran.
Homeopathic Treatment – Understanding How It Works
Homeopathic treatment is not very well understood by your average man in the street. But, if you observe a simple physics experiment, you can quickly grasp the ides.
How To Stop Sweating On Your FaceIn this article I am going to give you expert advice in order for you to learn how to stop sweating on your face. This information will help you to stop excessive sweating on your face permanently.
The Best Faster Hair Growth Tips For You To LearnMany women (and men) are looking for tips for a faster hair growth. You can’t really stop someone from sporting a very long hair if that’s what that person really wants. However, in order for you to enjoy long hair, you need to make your hair grow as fast as possible.
What to Do to Achieve a Healthy LifeHealth is better than wealth. Unhealthy lifestyles definitely holds greater appeal however learn never to take health for granted. Take charge and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Learn the natural and holistic options available for you to enhance your health or to help to cure minor ailments naturally.
Natural Remedy For A Yeast Infection – Natural Methods Of Treating Yeast InfectionSome of the people are more comfortable with natural remedy for a yeast infection instead of those synthetic drugs available at stores. Fortunately, there are many methods that are effective in treating this infection in a natural way and the following are just a few of them.
Cancer Prevention – Valuable Herbal Medicine – Are You Using It?This Herb is considered one the most valuable cancer prevention foods if not the most valuable medicine. This herb brings strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, and detoxifying properties. Besides preventing cancer, this herbs offers numerous benefits. Every kitchen should use it in recipes regularly. Are you using it?
Alternative Medicine Gaining Foothold In AmericaToo many times, when a person visits a doctor it seems that the physician is rushing to make a quick diagnosis. Then, almost invariably, the doctor hands the patient a prescription for some pharmaceutical treatment. In the last ten years or so, however, there has been a dramatic upsurge in treatments the medical community has deemed as alternative medicine.
Reiki and Love: How Reiki Can Help You Find Love This Valentine’s DayContemplating buying your own flowers this year? Or perhaps you’re thinking back on another Valentine’s Day when you were in a relationship that exists no longer. Whatever you’re doing this Valentine’s, if you are not in a relationship, or are in a relationship that seems to have lost its zest, Reiki can help.
Taking Apple Cider Vinegar With Baking SodaApple cider vinegar (ACV) is long known as a cure-all. The typical way to take it is to put one or two tablespoons in a glass of water, and just drink it. People say to drink it in the morning or on an empty stomach, but not everyone says this. There’s a new way to drink apple cider vinegar, by adding baking soda.
How to Pick Your Perfect Cannabis SeedIf you are looking for your perfect cannabis seed, you should read this short article about what to look for in your ideal seeds. Award winning seeds are a safe bet but don’t forget to explore what THC you look for first.
Alternative Therapies to Heal Depression and AnxietyAlternative medicine can treat insomnia, depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders very successfully. The range of treatments is wide and encompasses something for everyone. Many treatments are very affordable and require long term commitment. Most solutions include a need for dietary changes and the addition of exercise.
Craniosacral Training In PediatricsCraniosacral training in pediatrics could very easily be classified as a life enhancing tool in the development and treatment of childhood disorders. This treatment is used to facilitate balance, realignment and calm in the infant. The Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health, promotes the knowledge of the philosophical foundation of alternative therapies and herbal medicine, craniosacral therapy being one of them, in order to increase awareness of the value of this extraordinary modality.