”I FIRED EVENING BRYAN” – iconic words from a successful entrepreneur who sold his company to Paypal and became the creator of neuroscience start-up Kernel: Bryan Johnson. Here, he discusses how he decided to allow an algorithm based on gold standard science to run his life – an algorithm which he claims now takes better care of him than he can take care of himself.
Bryan talks about his approach (science – measurement – protocol) to tackle recurring patterns of self-sabotage when he is at his most vulnerable, such as in the evening when the stress of his daily life catches up with him.
His decision to fire the disruptive “Evening Bryan” persona and thus demote his mind from making decisions was the moment he started turning his life around. Johnson believes that his Blueprint system has made him feel better, more at peace and leaves more room for fun than he’d ever had in his life – and he has all the data to prove it. Learn more: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.co