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12 Nutritional Principles to Achieve Health, Energy, Vitality, Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Life 👇
Alex Yehorov’s Healthy Keto Dessert Recipes To Make Lasting Changes More Sweet and Enjoyable 👇
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* I’m not a nutritionist nor am I a doctor all information given has been gathered by personal experience and information that I researched and compiled over the years. Always consult a physician before starting a new diet, eating regiment, or workout plan.
This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Alex Yehorov and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Alex Yehorov is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this video or site.
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How to Get Herpes Relief Using Home Remedies
You can always tell when you are going to get a cold sore caused by the herpes simplex virus. The virus never leaves your body and runs along nerve cells; that is why you feel that unmistakable tingle just before the eruption.
Discover the Secret to Banishing the Pain of Broken BonesThe pain of broken bones is no joke. You may initially be in shock, which tends to delay the onset of the pain. But once it comes, it can be intense and severe. You may not be able to shoulder the burden of the pain without some help. But not all help is equal. Some can damage other organs. Not this, one however.
How to Prevent Pain After Surgery – Resolve Damage to NervesLearning how to prevent pain after surgery is all about isolating the type of pain and the source of the damage first. Only then do you know what to look for, what may help.
How to Prevent Pain After Surgery – Resolve the Knife CutLearning how to prevent pain after surgery means first working out where the pain is coming from. Lacerations or knife cuts are deep soft tissue damage. And there is one wonderful homeopathic medicine that can quickly resolve any effects of these type of wounds.
Cassia Siamea – A Potent Weapon Against Colorectal CancerCassia siamea has been evaluated for its potent anti-oxidant activity. Components separated from the extracts included many polyphenols which exhibited very potent anti-oxidant activity.
Natural Stem Cell Replacement and Therapy – The Undebatable AlternativeCell regeneration and replacement can be triggered by natural substances. Natural cell replacement provides an alternative to the highly controversial embryonic stem cell therapies that use human embryos.
You Can Heal Your Life!Are you still not achieving optimum health and happiness despite your best efforts? Is there something holding you back and you just don’t know what that something is? Remote Healing can identify it and correct it so you are able to reclaim your health and vitality, overnight!
Spring is on It’s Way! – How Oriental Medicine Views Spring and General Cleaning BeginsSpring brings new growth and freshness after the winter season. Are you feeling the energy?
Natural Treatments For Candida Albicans – 3 Proven Tips to Get Rid of a Candida Albicans InfectionIf you are looking for the best treatment for Candida Albicans then you are in the right place. I know how it feels to suffer from one of the most embarrassing and irritating skin infection. The following are some of the best natural treatments which can provide the long term permanent relief for your yeast infection. So keep reading further to know more.
Which is Better, Natural Herbal or Chemical Medicines?These days, there are a lot of things that we can substitute but still have the same result. One of them is herbal where you can use for a lot of things like medicine, food supplement, and lots of things. Specially now that everything seems to be getting expensive and at the same time, we are having an economic crisis, we can not do anything but to look of an alternative for our needs. Good thing herbal was introduced and became very useful to people.
Simple Cold Sore Home Remedy’s That You Can Try at HomeYou’re busted again. Your lip hurts, you feel like scratching it, you can’t have anything hot. You have got the cold sore again! So what can you do?
Five Preventative Canker Sore Remedy IdeasThe best canker sore remedy is prevention. Since there is no canker sore cure once you’ve got one, doing things like brushing regularly and using an SLS free toothpaste just make sense. Other prevention tips may require a bit more work, like keeping a food journal or taking vitamin supplements, but until they figure out what causes canker sores, it’s the best way to keep your mouth canker-sore-free.