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Upgrade your day, your frequency and your life by aligning with the natural laws that govern the universe. You are an ecosystem made of star stuff, capable of more powerful things than you give yourself credit for. So let go of your story and deepening your value as a healer, teacher and earth citizen. Learn to master the 3 levels of self. Join the Herbal Jedi in looking at best daily practices for leveling up your Mind, Heart and Gut intelligence.
Known as the Herbal Jedi, Yarrow Willard is a Clinical Herbalist, Director of the Wild Rose College of Natural Healing and Co-creator of the Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary. Raised by herbalist parents, he has been immersed in the world of wholistic medicine since birth. He is a passionate educator, youtuber and modern day reality hacker who is continually upgrading his knowledge and understanding with the growing edge science of re-claiming wellness and vibrant living. Yarrow shares a variety of health empowering practices in a fun and informal way that keeps his students at the edge of their seats.
This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Helsinki in November 2019. Get your tickets for the upcoming Biohacker Summit Amsterdam (15-16 October 2022) at:
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Explore the World of Magnetic Products
Magnetic therapy is the practice of using magnets to cure a human body. Magnets, of the permanent type, can be used to create magnetic fields, and revitalize the cells of a human body.
How to Differentiate Nail Fungus From Other Nail InfectionsNail fungus are probably amongst the most common of all nail infections, and perhaps as a result of this commonness, people have come to start seeing them even where they are not present. Indeed, we have a situation where a person suffering from any form of nail disfigurement is likely to start blaming their woes on nail-fungus, even where the cause of their nail disfigurement is not nail fungus.
Buying Ayurvedic Healing ProductsAyurveda is an alternative medicine practice that is gaining notice throughout the United States. Its roots lie in ancient India and it uses an assortment of non-conventional therapies. The use of herbal medicines is among those treatments used frequently in Ayurvedic healing.
Cold Sores and Old Home RemediesCold sores, which are sometimes referred to as fever blisters are the result of the herpes simplex virus or cold sore virus. These can appear in several places, but most commonly around the mouth. Cold sores initially start out as with tight feeling, soreness and a degree of swelling but it isn’t always obvious that this will turn into a cold sore. After a couple of days however, fluid filled blisters can be seen. These can start out quite small, but form clusters.
Gallstone Remedy – Gallbladder Cleanse As an Effective RemedyA gallbladder cleanse is said to be one of the most effective gallstones remedy. Based on testimonials it is even hailed as the fastest way to rid your gallbladder of your gallstones.
Applied Kinesiology – A Diagnosis For Good HealthMany chiropractic physicians are incorporating a treatment called applied kinesiology into their therapeutic regimens. Applied kinesiology is essentially an advanced diagnostic technique that tests the strength of various muscle groups in order to determine the general functioning level of the body.
What is a Holistic Health Care Provider?Holistic Medicine refers to the system of health care that fosters a cooperative relationship among those involved and leads toward optimal attainment of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspect of health. The career outlook for a holistic health care provider is good. They make on average $45-$55 thousand a year. Holistic care is a growing field in the green market.
Natural GERD Remedy – 5 Secrets to Cure Acid Reflux at HomeAre you looking for ways to cure acid reflux? Here are 5 secrets about a natural GERD remedy now!
Acupuncture Help With Weight Loss – Lose Weight NaturallyAn exercise was found by most people who attempted to lose weight through dieting to be somewhat ineffective because when they give up their diet plan those extra pounds come back resulting to frustration and a lot of stress. A quite large number of people have begun to weigh their options in regard to acupuncture help with weight loss because of such consequences.
Cure For Gallstones – Is Surgery the Best Way to Treat Gallstones?Are you weighing the options for gallstones? Learn about a cure for gallstones that is FREE and effective.
What is an Acupuncturist?An acupuncturist is a trained alternative health practitioner that uses acupuncture as a healing modality. Acupuncture, which is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body that correlate with the flow of energy through the body.
Getting to Know Your Cures For Yeast InfectionYeast infections are a common ailment: 75% of all women will have one infection in their life time, and another 45% of those will have two or more. Do not make the mistake of it being a common problem, however, as being a reason to put off or not seek treatment.