What Foods Are Keto + Nutrient Dense? (Nutrita Review) • Raphael Sirtoli

Listen to Raphael Sirtoli, co-founder of Nutrita, the new low-carb/keto food search engine explain how it can help you make more informed food choices about what are the most nutrient dense foods.

#ketodiet #biohackerslab

The internet is flooded with all kinds of food nutrition information. However, that means that sometimes getting to the simple answers quickly can be challenging. Even with his background in science, Raphael found he grew increasingly frustrated when trying to make sense of all the data on what we should be eating.

So, along with his colleagues, he came up with a solution – Nutrita – a science-based food search engine with simple rating systems that are relevant for people looking for nutrient dense keto/low-carb food options that don’t spike their insulin needs.

Today we get a chance to talk about how Nutrita’s rating systems works and how we can use it to get simple advice or delve deeper into the nitty-gritty to further fine tune our diets based on personal goals.

If you know someone who is interested in learning more about how Nutrita can help them make sense of all the food data using simple meaningful scores, this interview is for them.

I really enjoyed this interview with Raphael and am excited about using Nutrita when looking for the vitamin and mineral info on different types of food and if they are keto-friendly or not.

✅ Check out the episode including all the extra show note links here:

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Aloe Remedies

The Aloe Vera plant looks like a little cactus because it is really a desert plant that is indigenous to the Southern Parts of Africa and Asia. The plant has been used since the time of the Egyptians to help with a number of ailments including burns, bites, acne, eczema, and digestive issues. To this day, many people still keep an Aloe Vera plant handy to deal with life’s little mishaps and Aloe Vera Juice and gel is now sold in stores to be consumed and applied topically for a number of beneficial reasons.

Should You Be Drinking Aloe Vera Juice?

If you ever walked through the “Digestive Health” section in a health food store, you might have noticed Jugs of Aloe Vera Juice on the shelf. Well more popular for its topical use for a plethora skin conditions, Aloe Vera can also play a role internally, helping to solve a host of different digestive ailments. Aloe Vera Juice is made from the gel of the Aloe Vera plant. This gel contains most of the plants medical properties including polysaccharides which promote healing and glycoproteins which have anti-inflammatory powers. It is also very high in fiber aiding in general digestive health.

Aloe Vera Fights Cancer

Aloe Vera is the name of the ubiquitous succulent green plant that can be found in nearly every grandmother’s home. The plant, which comes from the arid parts of Asia and Africa is easy to grow indoors, requiring only ample light from a window and water, and its gooey inner gel has been used to soothe cuts and burns for centuries. Aloe Vera, however, is not just a best friend for a clumsy cook, the inner gel is also thought to possess strong medicinal properties when taken internally. It is thought to help improve digestion, blood flow, and energy. It is also thought to help your body’s overall immune system and may even help to inhibit the formation of certain types of cancer.

Different Home Remedies for Psoriasis

There may be no permanent cure for psoriasis yet, but there are treatments that aim to improve the appearance of the skin and prevent skin flares. There are oral medications, light therapy and topical treatments, but of course not everyone can afford. This is the reason why some patients rely on home remedies to manage their psoriasis. With this, let me share to you some of the popular home remedies for psoriasis.

Love and Homeopathy

To theorize about the abstract idea of love, which transforms into the action of loving is not the purpose of this article. Instead, what I intend to do is introduce some homeopathic remedies that act in the sphere of that beautiful feeling that is not only the remedy to all problems, but is also the cause.

Meditation in a New World

“Meditation” is a bit of a nebulous term. Certain religious groups practice their own specific types, but religion is not essential to meditate. At its core, it is simply a focusing of the mind. It is a way to tune out external concerns and pressures and steer thoughts toward a particular essence. While meditating can be done almost anywhere, it is best to choose a location that is quiet and somewhat private. This will make it it easier to shut out distractions. Any comfortable position is a good choice for a (meditation) session. Once a proper location and position have been achieved, it is time to consider the intent of meditating. Is it being used to relax? Is it being use to think more deeply about some life issue or religious principle?

Healthy Reasons To Drink Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice can be truly healthy to drink. Many people are aware of its healing and soothing properties for skin problems like sunburn and dry skin. However, it also can be taken as a supplement in liquid form. Here are reasons to drink this product for better health.

Natural Treatment For a Bladder Infection

Learn the various forms of natural treatment for bladder infection. Get some great tips to natural remedies that you can apply in order to avoid urinary infections.

A Few Cautions With Aloe Vera Juice

If you are thinking of taking aloe vera juice you will find a number of important benefits. However, it is not for everyone and may have side effects. There also can be interactions in some people. Here is more on the subject.

Alternative Medicine Cancer Treatment

Today I would like to talk about some alternative medicine cancer treatments, and some reasons why we have them by outlining some of the side effects of the most used and recognized treatment of cancer today, chemotherapy or “chemo”. The comparison may change your view about which cancer treatment you choose, or rather choose not to take.

Chiropractic Facts and Myths – What You Need to Know About Chiropractic

Chiropractic myths have been into existence for many years. For those who are yet unfamiliar with chiropractic care, these myths have caused them confusion. For them to understand what chiropractic really is, Let’s take a look at some of the well-known myths about chiropractic and the facts that can dispel them.

Are Herbal Insomnia Remedies Safe?

Several herbal insomnia remedies claim that they are safe to use and will not cause harm or injury to the entire system. Have you ever wondered if these claims are true and have they undergone evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?

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