Webinar: Ben Greenfield on biohacking, nutrition, sleep, exercise and upgrading your home

Site: http://biohackersummit.com

Biohacker Summit curator Teemu Arina interviews Ben Greenfield on biohacking.

Ben Greenfield is an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, Spartan racer, coach, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life”. In 2008, Ben was voted as NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the year and in 2013 and 2014 was named by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness.

Topics covered:

* Goals for biohacking
* Biohacking your home
* Sleep hacks & aids
* Supplementation
* Vegetarians, exercise & diets
* Carbs vs. fats
* Ketogenic diets
* Intermittent fasting
* Gaining weight
* Female hormones & diets
* Training regimens
* Wearables

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What is a Yeast Intolerance?

A yeast intolerance is not the same as a yeast allergy. A yeast intolerance is a response by your immune system when you can no longer process certain foods – in this case, yeast. A food allergy is also responded to by your immune system, but the response is immediate and the symptoms are very quick – sometimes immediate – and can be extremely dramatic and dangerous.

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Natural Cure For Excessive Sweating Or Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is the result of one’s sweat glands not following the signals of the sympathetic nervous system. Physicians will often prescribe anti-cholinergic drugs, suggest you switch to aluminum chloride based antiperspirants or recommend surgery. Unfortunately, any of these conventional treatments may ultimately result in other health problems down the road. Homeopathic remedies are an alternative natural cure for excessive sweating.

Physical Exercises That Relieve Hip Bursitis Pain

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Digestive Disorders – Discover Effective Remedies To Deal With Them (Part 2)

Mix equal quantities of bogbean leaves, common bistort rootstock, root and rootstock of garden angelica, calendula blossoms, great mullein blossoms, hazel leaves, Melissa leaves, common walnut leaves, paeonia anomala root, field restharrow root, poplar buds and wild thyme tops. Infuse 6 grams of the mix of herbs with 400 millilitres of water and fill a thermos bottle with the tincture. Leave it to brew for 2 hours and warm the infusion up, but do not boil. Let it settle for half an hour and decant. Drink half a glass of the decoction 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meal to treat hemorrhoids.

Digestive Disorders – Discover Effective Remedies To Deal With Them (Part 1)

The article deals with effective remedies to deal with digestive disorders. Digestive disorders include diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcer and etc.

All-Natural Solutions For Bursitis

Bursitis sufferers are probably familiar with traditional medical advice. Normally doctors recommend rest, and suggest shielding the affected body part from any kind of pressure or potential damage.

Digestive Diseases – Uncover Effective Remedies To Prevent And Treat Them (Part 1)

The main factor regarding prevention and treatment of digestive diseases relates to the right diet involving a lot of vegetables and fruits. In addition, nature offers a wide range of various herbs to prevent and treat digestive diseases.

Digestive Diseases – Uncover Effective Remedies To Prevent And Treat Them (Part 2)

The main factor regarding prevention and treatment of digestive diseases relates to the right diet involving a lot of vegetables and fruits. In addition, nature offers a wide range of various herbs to prevent and treat digestive diseases.

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