Unleash Your Inner Creative Power When You Need It – Decode the FLOW STATE (Max Gotzler)

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Flow is elusive and sometimes we can’t find it when we need it the most. In this talk, Max decodes the cycle of this higher state of consciousness to help you get into Flow whenever you want to.

Max Gotzler is a former professional athlete turned podcaster, entrepreneur and flow seeker. The “Bavarian Oak” is the Founder of the lifestyle education company Flowgrade, host of the Flowgrade Show, bestselling author of “Biohacking – Optimiere dich selbst” and organizer of the FlowFest event series. In his free time, Max enjoys playing the piano and an occasional NBA 2K video game session.

Check more about Flowgrade at: https://www.flowgrade.de/

This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Helsinki in November 2019. Check ​​​​Biohacker Summit’s page for upcoming events & tickets: https://biohackersummit.com

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