The Most Cutting-Edge Biohacking Technologies Are Found in Nature 🪴 Rita Castro 🎓 holds a master’s degree in Science from the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) as well as a 📜 certification in Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics from the University of North Carolina. She has been working as a 🥗 nutritionist for 15 years and also published several best-selling books in this area.

In her clinical practice 🧑🏽‍⚕️, she utilizes various health-related sciences, with an emphasis on epigenetics, in order to help her patients achieve the highest level of health holistically. Rita actively researches and works with medicinal plants 🌿, and is a lover of teas and infusions. She has been a biohacker for 8 years and works with ancestral practices, encouraging people to seek a reconnection with the forest 🌳.

Rita also co-founded the Amazing You 🍵 tea brand, and runs courses with more than 5,000 students. In her classes, she documents her entire journey of healing knowledge about nutrition, genetics, epigenetics and ancestral biohacking.

🎯 Come to the Biohacker Summit in Amsterdam to share in Rita’s perspective on ancestral wisdom and learn from other expert speakers and facilitators!

🎫 Get your tickets at (link in bio!)

#BiohackerSummit #Amsterdam #ExpertSpeaker #RitaCastro #MedicinalPlants #AncestralWisdom #Epigenetics

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