The Detox Code (Anthony DiClementi)

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Anthony DiClementi is the world’s leading executive wellness coach specializing in nutritional science and functional medicine. He helps CEOs, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, Hollywood celebrities, and clients around the globe to rapidly upgrade their energy, transform their bodies, and enhance mental clarity. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and, each year, is sought after by thousands of men and women who want to take their physical and mental performance to the next level. In this talk, he explains how to clean your body of the hidden toxins that cause weight gain, fatigue, and brain fog. He is a world-class transformation expert specializing in energy production, cognition, and optimal performance. As a best-selling author of The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and host of The Biohacking Secrets Show podcast, Anthony’s clientele includes high-level entrepreneurs, professional athletes, Hollywood celebrities and Silicon Valley executives like Peter Thiel (PayPal). He has been featured on award-winning podcasts such as Entrepreneur on Fire, Ben Greenfield Fitness, Onnit’s Human Optimization Hour, and shared the speaking stage with business leaders like Tony Robbins.

This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Helsinki in November 2019. Get your tickets for the upcoming ​​​​Biohacker Summit Amsterdam (15-16 October 2022) at:

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Alternative Medicine

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How to Cure Your Sweaty Palms and Feet Easily

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Experimenting With Aromatherapy – Your Guide to the Most Basic Scents

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Aromatherapy – How Grapefruit Oil is Used by Aromatherapists

Grapefruit has a long history; it is originally believed to have derived from another fruit Pomelo (cistus grandis) which was grown throughout Asia where it is still very popular today. In the early 1800’s seeds were taken to the West Indies by sailors; later in the century it was introduced to the USA by Spanish settlers, at sometime it was cross-pollinated with orange to produce what we now call grapefruit. It is still grown in America, mostly in California, Florida and Texas. Most of the essential oil produced from Grapefruits now, comes from these States, Brazil and Israel.

Coal Oil (Kerosene), Lard and Zinc Lids

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