Stem Cells for Health & Longevity (Podcast with Christian Drapeau )
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/biohackers-podcast/id1030146532 Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7IRBVAT9pObv5ooBSMPeRX In this episode, Teemu Arina meets Christian Drapeau, CEO of STEMREGEN. Christian’s pioneering efforts have not only changed our understanding of the human body’s repair system but have also paved the…

The Most Cutting-Edge Biohacking Technologies Are Found in Nature 🪴
https://biohackersummit.com Rita Castro 🎓 holds a master’s degree in Science from the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) as well as a 📜 certification in Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics from the University of North Carolina. She has been working as…

Regenerative Medicine With Dr. Kristin Comella (Biohacker’s LIVE Show)
Show notes: http://biohack.to/kristin Biohacker’s Live Show features top experts in optimal human performance as if they were in your living room. Your host is Teemu Arina, the co-author of the Biohacker’s Handbook and curator of the Biohacker Summit. Kristin Comella,…