How much protein🥩🥚 do I need to lose weight?🤔 #shorts #weightloss #fitness

How much protein🥩🥚 do I need to lose weight?🤔 #shorts #weightloss #fitness

Research🔬 suggests that increasing your protein intake🥩🥚 may have impressive effects on your appetite, metabolic rate, weight, and body compositionđź’Ş. If you want to know how much protein🍗 you need to lose weight first of all you need to understand…

❌ DON’T Start KETO Before You Watch This (The 5 Biggest Ketosis Mistakes That Keep You Fat)

❌ DON’T Start KETO Before You Watch This (The 5 Biggest Ketosis Mistakes That Keep You Fat)

In today’s video, I will break down my top 5 Keto Mistakes That Keep You FAT so you won’t be kicked out of the ketosis! MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY PLAYLIST👉 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE 👇…

Dr Ben Bikman - Why We Get Sick from Insulin Resistance

Dr Ben Bikman – Why We Get Sick from Insulin Resistance

In today’s interview I get to speak with Associate Professor, Dr Ben Bikman, about how insulin resistance makes us sick, causing more than just diabetes. He is also back to answer some of your commonly asked questions. Ben is very…

Why is Nose to Tail Eating so Important? • Dr Paul Saladino MD

Why is Nose to Tail Eating so Important? • Dr Paul Saladino MD

Listen to Dr Paul Saladino MD, functional medicine practitioner, talk all about why the nose-to-tail approach is key especially on the carnivore diet in the long-term to stay healthy & avoid nutrient deficiencies. #carnivorediet #biohackerslab He believes many of the…

Dr Darren Schmidt on Keto Diet Issues & Lactic Acidosis (+ Tips)

Dr Darren Schmidt on Keto Diet Issues & Lactic Acidosis (+ Tips)

Listen to Dr Darren Schmidt, a doctor of chiropractic who focuses on clinical nutrition, talk about the role of lactic acidosis in treating chronic disease and looking at the underlying mechanisms of chronic disease even when adopting a keto way…

Ketotarian Diet Review (+Tips for Keto Vegetarians) • Dr Will Cole

Ketotarian Diet Review (+Tips for Keto Vegetarians) • Dr Will Cole

Listen to Dr Will Cole author of the Ketotarian Book & Leading Functional Medicine Expert, Explain How to Get the Benefits of Ketosis on a (Mostly) Plant Based Diet. #ketodiet #vegetarian #biohackerslab Today, we get a chance to talk about…

Keto Diet Benefits for Pro-Baseball Player (Success Story) • Robby Rowland

Keto Diet Benefits for Pro-Baseball Player (Success Story) • Robby Rowland

Listen to Robby Rowland, professional baseball player, explain the benefits of switching to the ketogenic diet & how it improved his performance and overall wellbeing. #ketodiet #probaseball #biohackerslab In today’s interview, we get a chance to talk about the realities…

Low Carb (Vegan Keto) Diet Results for Type 1 Diabetes • Dr Carrie Diulus

Low Carb (Vegan Keto) Diet Results for Type 1 Diabetes • Dr Carrie Diulus

Listen to Dr Carrie Diulus, US board-certified orthopaedic spinal surgeon and a thriving type 1 diabetic explain how she uses the vegan ketogenic diet and insulin strategies to manage her diabetes. If you know someone with type 1 diabetes, or…

Best Diet for Insulin Resistance (+ Extra Tips) • Dr Benjamin Bikman

Best Diet for Insulin Resistance (+ Extra Tips) • Dr Benjamin Bikman

Listen to Dr Benjamin Bikman, scientist and expert on metabolic disorders, explain the basics of insulin and insulin resistance, why it matters and what we can do about it. If you know someone who is interested in learning more about…

Ample K Review (Keto Friendly) Meal Replacement Shake

Ample K Review (Keto Friendly) Meal Replacement Shake

Want to find out what the Ample K keto meal replacement tastes is like and what some of the pros and cons or the product are? Then watch me make, taste and give my opinion on this new ketogenic diet…