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Author | Anthropologist | Podcaster | Performance Coach @ Siim Land Coaching
Siim Land is the hero of his own journey who seeks to educate and empower humanity in the coming era of superhumans. He creates content about human optimization and achieving your peak potential.
Relieving Body Pains With Yoga: The Best Solution So Far
Are you having a chronic neck and shoulder pain because of your frequent diving? Do not plan to quit diving yet for there is now yoga for you!
Naturopathic Remedies – Helping You To Treat Your DiseaseThere are several reasons for individuals getting sick these days and the main reasons being pollution and stress. Many of us usually go to the doctor immediately and doctors would suggest that you take drugs to cure the symptoms and signs of your sickness. What we don’t know is that these medicines go to the vital organs of our body and they have side effects to these vital organs.
Natural Healing Begins At The Cellular Level – Help Your Body Heal ItselfYour body is made of a cells which in times of sickness or other types of injuries, become damaged. To get back to a healthy status, your body has to go through a natural healing process in order to repair its damaged cells within. Sometimes, however, the process takes longer because your body is not as strong as it should be, possibly because it is not in proper balance.
Cheap Overseas Surgery – Let the Buyer Beware!Choosing the wrong overseas destination for your orthopedic surgery could have devastating consequences. Here’s a horror story of just such a mistake and some advice on selecting a destination.
Aloe Benefits – What Are the Benefits of Aloe Vera and Why Did Gandhi Drink It During His Fasts?Aloe benefits. What are the benefits of aloe vera? Why did Gandhi drink it during his fasts, and why did Alexander the Great use it for his soldiers wounds?
What You Don’t Know About HerbsIt is important that we understand the body was created to heal itself. We have to get the body balanced on a mental, emotional, and physical level and it grows new tissue. Some of these healing situations even throw the professionals into awe.
A Simple Way To Protect Yourself Against the Harmful Effects Of Computers And Mobile PhonesJust as a tree can purify the air, we believe that jade has healing powers; helping to purify the body and protect us against the harmful effects of computers, mobile phones or negative energy. Chinese Jade Jewelry has been used by the Chinese for many thousands of years. We believe that Chinese Jade has the power to bring longevity, good health and peace of mind into our life.
Effects of L Arginine in Male FertilityThis article is going to declare the effects of L Arginine in male infertility. L Arginine is a well-known amino acid that offers maximum health care for you. Although it has numerous health benefits but its support against erectile dysfunction is best among them.
Green Living – Adopt Green Life To Make The Environment Clean And HealthyPut simply, sustainability is a term which talks about the factors which minimize our carbon footprint these days while also preparing a ground to make us aware of the things that we need to develop communities. When it comes to creating a green living community, there are various points that we need to take into consideration. Take a look at the factors given below.
Benefits of Alternative TherapySometimes alternative therapy can work where traditional methods have failed. Say for example someone were suffering with depression, the current standard treatment for depression is anti-depressants (and sometimes in addition Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
Bird Cherry – Discover The Healing Properties Of The Plant (Part 1)The article deals with the healing qualities of bird cherry. In addition, it describes helpful guidelines on how to use the plant when dealing with various health problems.
Indigestion Natural Remedies – Effective Dyspepsia TreatmentIndigestion arises from the above mentioned factors causing flatulence, heartburns and acid reflux. Prolonged suffering results in malnutrition of the body, premature graying of hair, hair loss and poor skin conditions.