Siim Land – Intermittent Fasting and Circadian Rhythms: The Optimal Way to Eat and Sleep

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All living organisms have built-in circadian rhythms and sleep-wakefulness cycles. From the perspective of survival, the body will always try to consolidate certain metabolic processes within a certain time frame as to optimize energy and health. Since the emergence of chronobiology and time-restricted eating, intermittent fasting has become a very popular dietary practice that seems to have unique metabolic benefits. Siim’s presentation talks about the connection between eating, fasting, and sleeping, and how to align them with the day-and-night cycles of the planet.

Siim Land is the biohacking prodigy from Estonia. Despite his young age, he’s written several books about cutting edge information related to longevity, performance, stress adaptation, autophagy, fasting, and sleep. He’s been a speaker at the top biohacking events in the world and creates content online about becoming healthier and more resilient. He is truly a biohacker who walks the talk!

This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Helsinki in November 2019. Get your tickets for the upcoming ​​​​Biohacker Summit Amsterdam (15-16 October 2022) at:

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