Ryan Munsey: Optimizing Neurotransmitters for Cognitive Health & Performance

More info: http://www.biohackersummit.com

Recorded at Biohacker Summit 2017 Stockholm.

Ryan Munsey is the Renaissance man of the biohacking space. Ryan has a degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from Clemson University and has worn the titles of fitness model, strength coach, gym owner, author and now works with Natural Stacks as the Chief Optimizer where he hosts the Optimal Performance Podcast and specializes in helping people around the world optimize their lifestyle, mindset, productivity, and brain performance.

Cowslip – Discover The Healing Qualities Of The Herb (Part 1)

The article deals with the healing qualities of cowslip and ways to use it when dealing with various health problems. The active substances the herb contains are said to facilitate secretion, increase diuresis, cause diarrhea and calm you down.

A Natural Approach To Medicine

The field of medicine can have many different interpretations of a condition, for instance menopause is uniquely dealt with by physicians depending on their training and their interest in keeping up with newest trends in medicine. For instance, the treatment of menopause has been a gray area that is often dealt with by telling the patient that she will get through the symptoms and to modify her diet and lifestyle to decrease her symptoms. Sometimes this is not enough and hormone replacement therapy has been used which in the past has shown to cause side effects much worse than the symptoms themselves.

Three Easy Qigong Exercises To Help Cope With Holiday Stress

Stress, anxiety and depression can ruin your holiday if you let them get the better of you! But, you already have the tools need to cope. Your mind, your breath and your spirit are all you need along with a few awesome Qigong Exercises to alleviate the stress of the holidays.

The Magical Healing Powers Found in a Women’s Magnetic Bracelet

The most commonly asked question about wearing a women’s magnetic bracelet is what medical benefits the bracelet can provide. The primary usage is to relive pain from arthritis found in the joints of your hand, wrist and fingers.

Sonoran Bloom Review – A Quick Look At Sonoran Bloom Products

Interested in Sonoran bloom products? Read this review to find out more and specifically more about Nopalea the powerful juice from the Sonoran desert.

The Significance Of Having An Holistic Physical

The majority of of us will go see our doctor any time we are ill with something such as the flu, which usually is a reactionary process dependent on a serious health problem. Ironically, we will probably use our Health Insurance Coverage in order to pay for the doctor visit. Health insurance is an example of a preventative action we plan for when we end up being sick. How often do we travel to our doctor when we are not feeling ill?

Lectins Are Often Nutritional Assassins

Lectins are plant substances that can trigger food intolerance and even food allergies. In severe cases such as Celiac disease, the leptin gluten can ultimately be fatal. Severe disruption of glucose metabolism can also occur and result in fat accumulation; because your biochemistry is significantly impacted.

How to Treat a Runny Nose

Besides looking like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, having a drippy nose can be quite annoying. There are a number of ways to tackle the problem, and many are home remedies.

How to Stop Heavy Perspiration and Sweating?

Many people suffer from a condition called hyperhidrosis, intense and excessive sweating. Those same people deal with embarrassment from this problem and they may be at a loss as to what to do about it. Discover the secrets of how to stop heavy perspiration and sweating all revealed here…

Bladderwrack – The Healing Qualities Of The Algae Revealed

The article deals with the healing qualities of bladderwrack. It describes simple guidelines on how to use the kelp when dealing with obesity, cellulite, psoriasis, thyroid disorders, exudative diathesis and other health problems.

Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure to Improve Your Health

Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Millions of people suffer from this condition, including adults, children, and seniors alike. Though there are many prescription drugs that can help to treat elevated blood pressure levels, many patients prefer to choose natural cures for high blood pressure either as an alternative to them, or in order to help them work more effectively.

Different Types of Excessive Sweating Remedies

A lot of people are victims of excessive sweating but there’s no need for them to worry about anything at all. This is because there are different types of excessive sweating remedies that have been made easily available for these people. These remedies range from natural ones to the ones that would involve the intervention of science. Depending on the degree or gravity of a person’s condition, there are varied remedies that have been made available for them.

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