Red Light Bathing at Biohacking HQ
How to Cleanse Your Intestine and Maintain Good Health
You can cleanse the intestine and ease your irritable bowel syndromes too. Eat diet rich in fibre food products and control your bowel excretion.
Spastic Colon – How is This Treated?Diet modification: If you have been eating junk, you must minimise this. Reduce the intake of fried foods, margarine, meats, fatty food products and other dairy products. Add fibre to your diet, it helps your digestive system functioning.
Treat Temper Tantrums With Bach Flower TherapyBach Flower Therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses non-toxic remedies very effectively in helping balance negative mental and emotional states in children experiencing temper tantrums. The remedies should be selected by matching the characteristic behavior manifested by the child. A treatment bottle is prepared by adding a number of Bach Flower Essences and taken daily for weeks or months until relieve is noticed.
At Home Cure For Urinary Tract InfectionThe best at home cures for urinary tract infections, need to be from effective modalities of health care which can cover this troublesome and often painful malady. They need to have comprehensive and easy to understand instructions as well as the necessary treatments. This can be a tall order, but one modality of natural health fits this to perfection.
Natural Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Can Be CompleteThe natural treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder may offer you the most hope of ever be able to be completely rid of it. Other treatments may be able to suppress your actions or your anxieties, but will rarely ever be able to cure them completely.
Medicinal Uses Of Wonderful Kola (Hydrocotyle Asiata)Wonderful cola, as it is commonly called, is known in the world as memory nut because it enhances the memory. It acts as cleanser of the blood, facilitates learning ability and strengthens the nervous system, and also effective in the treatment of menstrual problems.
Natural Supplements For Arthritis Body PainThere are several-hundred forms of arthritis causing different degrees of body pain. The most common are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Despite advances in medical science, the best arthritis relievers are the natural ones. Safe care, no side effects.
How I Use a Himalayan Salt LampHow I use a Himalayan Salt lamp I seems to me in this day and age, that most people do not have or know their identity. I often wonder how we lost this ancient wisdom. We, who as a modern people who seem to have everything; have nothing. We spend our lives going after “things” (who really needs an iPad, for heaven sake: yet people queue up for them as a must have) and yet are never truly happy.
Reiki and RelaxationReiki is being included in Alternative medicine for lots of purposes. It is now known because lots of people are practicing it because in Reiki you can stand or start you own business about reiki. It is good to hear that reiki nowadays is being recommended by lots of people specially the Doctors, because it makes less payment and it is really effective.
Reiki Practitioners in HospitalsReiki is an alternative medicine that is used even for your own business. It is the type of alternative medicine that uses the power of palm or some says a “palm healing”. As you will experience when you go to Reiki practitioners and let them apply to you, you can feel that it is really effective because of the aura that is being release through the palm of the practitioner and it is a belief that the practitioners are transferring a healing power to the person that was being rendered.
Natural Pain Relief Options With Amega GlobalAlternative medicine is becoming more and more popular as people opt for more natural solutions to their health woes. Of course, alternative medicine is not always the best solution, but it can provide excellent support to classic forms of therapy and treatments.
5 Best Home Remedies For Ear InfectionsKnow more about ear infections. Find out the treatments and remedies for ear infections.