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Revealed – Deer Velvet For Joint Mobility
New Zealand scientists continue to explore the extraordinary regenerative properties of deer velvet. As the fastest growing and only renewable form of cartilage in the world, deer velvet contains building blocks for supporting the healing and regeneration of damaged cartilage, bone and muscle tissue. Besides this, deer velvet is a powerful restorer and maintainer of good health and well being. Thousands of New Zealanders currently take deer velvet on a daily basis for joint health and mobility.
Which Colon Cleansing Foods Can Help DetoxificationColon cleansing is the catch word of the day and so anything that will help you cleanse your system is in. Just like the variety of products that are available in the market to help you cleanse your system, there are many foods too which will do the same.
Studying the Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Our HealthThe growing public health concerns about “electronic pollution” and medical radiation have generated interest from the World Health Organization (WHO), but many people feel more research still needs to be done. Several gaps in knowledge still exist about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, which have been attributed to a wide variety of symptoms. These include headaches, depression, anxiety, suicide, nausea and fatigue.
The Bach Flower RemediesThis Remedy is created by Dr Edward Bach who actually started using the Plant Kingdom (herbs) in the form of homeopathy and later with his Flower Remedies. He searched for the Remedies that would treat the patient and not the disease and he identified 38 healers from the world of flowers. These flowers aim to restore our balance to empower us to cope with the negative emotions which we encounter and the daily problems that confront us.
Stay Well in a Toxic World – Without Health Insurance – Part IAre you looking for some fresh ideas about how to take care of yourself in our toxic world? Here is the true story of how my family and I have lived a healthy life, and incidentally without health insurance, for more than thirty years. Part I tells the amazing story of being free of illness for thirty-three years, and Part II gives you ten suggestions for living a healthy life that still work well for us, while we clean up our polluted planet.
How to Cure a Yeast Infection – What’s AvailableYeast infections are very common and are also known as thrush or candida. A yeast infection is not life threatening but it’s important for us to know how to cure a yeast infection since three-quarters of all women will get vaginal thrush at some stage. Anyone who has experienced a yeast infection knows that the symptoms cause a lot of distress.
Benefits of BergamotBergamot essential oil has many health benefits that can help heal people from conditions such as depression, anxiety and insomnia as well as viruses, digestive issues and more. Knowledge about how an essential oil works is important to know before using it, however.
Life-Force Energy – The Role of Food and Diet in ReikiThe role of food and diet in Reiki is very important to follow if you want to have a successful Reiki attunement session. Everything we eat or drink contains life-force energy. If you have a diet that is high in life-force energy, your session will benefit you to the fullest.
Treating High Blood Pressure With CalciumThe ‘medical’ term for high blood pressure is Hypertension. It occurs when the insides of arteries are being affected by excessive tension of blood pumping through them. As strange as it may sound, it is still unknown what causes hypertension, although we know what can speed up the onset of this medical condition or make it worse. Those factors include excessive weight, stress, addiction to cigarettes, drugs and/or alcohol. One of the alternative methods of treating high blood pressure involves increasing one’s intake of the mineral calcium.
Chakra Tune-Up – Releasing FearFear is the most debilitating emotion we can experience. Learning how to release fear prevents it from getting blocked in our chakra system, and allows for a fuller expression of our life in every way.
Turn Deep Breathing Into a Second HeartSo let’s talk about this second heart that was mentioned at the beginning. How do you actually have a second heart within your body? The answer is really very simple…deep breathing! How does deep breathing create a second heart? Through deep diaphragmatic breathing from low down in the abdomen you’re bringing the diaphragm itself into play for more than by doing upper chest breathing.
Chakra Tune-Up – 3 Emotional OptionsThere are 3 ways to handle any emotion we are experiencing. Learning self-awareness and gaining an understanding of the chakra system allows us to deal with emotions in the healthiest, most supportive way possible.