Olli Posti: Supermarket Survival: How To Survive the Grocery Store

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After eating his way out of multiple sclerosis, Olli Posti has been in the front lines now for a decade promoting joyful & healthy eating, nutrient dense foods, personal development and supermarket survivalism. Olli’s work has been widely covered in the Finnish media. With his unique style and vision, Olli Posti has inspired thousands of Finns to enjoy healthier life. Recently he was chosen as The Finnish Health Influencer 2016 by a public vote. Currently Olli produces and hosts the Supermarket Survival guide, an action-packed online course for making intelligent food choices at supermarkets and health food stores.

3 Great Tips To Stop Sweating Excessively

If you happen to see articles online that are detailing ways on how to stop perspiration, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there are people who want to stop the normal function of their sweat glands. Sweating is normal. Sweating is just one of the ways that our body keeps our internal temperature despite changes in our environment.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is sometimes connected with several risks and advantages. The reality is, it is proven to be effective by thousands of people internationally. Doctors actually recommend that alternative therapy before patients resort to bigger measures like surgery or long term medicine use. Here are some of the known risks and advantages.

The Hazards of Chiropractic Care

Although chiropractics have long been known to be beneficial to the body, there are also dangers and risks of chiropractic care. You need to be watchful of these to avoid health issues and financial predicaments. You need to have a sound and effective plan ready, so that your ways of treatment stay helpful in the future. Here are some further points.

Stop Sweating Too Much Through These Tips

Hyperhidrosis is a serious condition when you consider how greatly it affects your life, particularly your social life. You don’t want to be seen with sweat stains on your shirts, right?

3 Nice Ways To Stop Sweating Profusely

When you exercise and you sweat, you tend to feel good. It’s like you have drained yourself from fats, oils and toxins. But there are people who don’t exercise yet they have been sweating a lot. There’s a great possibility that those folks are suffering from hyperhidrosis and when you have this health condition, you tend not to feel good.

Why It Is Important to Seek Expert Guidance Before You Embark on a Homeopathic Regime?

Homeopathic medicines are very deep acting. Therefore, unless the similarity of symptoms is exactly matched, one cannot get desired results. Moreover, in chronic cases, a single wrong prescription at times can lead the entire case in wrong direction, making it difficult to harmonize the case presentation later.

Quantum Pendants – Fake, Hoax Or Real? Find Out!

Are Quantum Pendants a Hoax or Fake? Or are they a real tool that can help benefit your health both internally and externally? Read on and find out. You’ll be surprised about the truth!

The Role of Vitamin C in Your Supplement Program

When cold and flu season comes around, people start to reach for four supplements, and one of them is Vitamin C. What, exactly, does this vitamin do in our body and will it actually help us avoid catching the local virus?

Got Milk? How to Treat Acid Reflux

There are a lot of ideas out there about what to do to prevent or treat acid reflux. Are they all beneficial all the time? Maybe, maybe not…

What is Prolotherapy?

Do you suffer from the pain of arthritis, sports injury, and other joint problems? Did your doctors tell you, “There is nothing more we can do; you have to learn to manage your pain?” If they did, they may be wrong! Get the facts on prolotherapy; how it cures the pain of arthritis, sports injury, and other joint problems.

3 Natural Remedies For Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are a painful part of most allergic reactions. They can also be caused by colds, the flu and other viruses. As they can be frequent, finding a natural solution to the problem is a much better idea than constantly popping allergy pills.

A Head Above the Rest – How to Get Taller Naturally

Get the girl, the higher paying jobs and vote. Studies show that height does matter. Getting taller with acupuncture, hypnosis and other natural remedies works for some, will it work for you?

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