The Muscle-Building Biohack NFL Quarterbacks, Hollywood Actors, and Pro NBA Teams Are Using to Sculpt Their Physique and Prevent Injuries with Dr. John Jaquish
New podcast interview with Dr. John Jaquish, the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful and fracture resistant athletes.. In this episode, we discuss how to cut or completely eliminate weight lifting from your training regimen, how humans are capable of 7x the force at a certain range of motion, and a proven method to reverse osteoporosis. To see the full show notes, please visit
Here’s where you can grab your copy of my free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping) Learn more about the most effective High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance
How Will You Decide To LIVE Your Life?
Although, most people claim, to want to live the happiest, healthiest lives, possible, few, truly, pay keen attention, and consider, what that means and represents, the need for discipline and personal commitment, and, what they must do, to actually, LIVE their life, as they wish to, and which is beneficial! When was the last time, you actually, considered, how you might decide, to actually, live, and exist, to create the finest, most harmonious, existence, to maximize your happiness, health, and well – being. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach,…
How To Try To HEAL Yourself?In the vast number of cases, there is a direct relationship between one’s attitude, and open – mindedness, and whether, he helps, or harms, his overall happiness, contentment, and health! In other words, a wise course of action, is, to do, everything possible, to HEAL yourself, in a positive, nurturing, focused manner! As Henry Ford is believed to have said, You can think you can, or think you can’t.
How 4 Senses Affect Driving?As a volunteer driver safety instructor, I have pondered ways, to best address, the relationship between our overall health, and how safely, we drive a car. Especially, as we age, a variety of our senses and skills, change, and, those, who recognize and realize this, and prepare properly, to adjust, accordingly, generally, have the best chance, of being a safer, smarter driver! Four of our senses, are specifically, significant, especially, our sense of sight, hearing, smelling, and touch, change, over – time, and, thus, planning accordingly, makes a lot of sense.
Be Sure To Look At the Whole Picture When Treating Frozen ShoulderIn my 35 years of chiropractic practice I have helped many patients who have a condition called, frozen shoulder. It is one of the most painful conditions a person can experience. It also restricts the person’s ability to comfortably use their shoulder which greatly impacts their quality of life. This article will detail what a frozen shoulder is exactly, recent research about the condition and how it can be helped by looking at the whole picture.
Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of CancerUncontrolled growth of cells anywhere in the body can cause cancer. The known causes of cancer include exposure to toxic chemicals, pollution, radiation and some pathogens, as well as chronic smoking, heavy alcohol abuse, and genetics. The signs and symptoms of cancer can be both obvious or vague, and include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, persistent low grade fever, severe or unusual body pain, nausea or vomiting, change in bowel habits, persistent sore throat or difficulty in swallowing, unusual bleeding or discharge, non-healing ulcer, thickening or lump, and noticeable changes in a wart or mole.
The BIG Way To Self – HelpIf you hope to be, as happy, and healthy, as possible, wouldn’t it make sense, to proceed, in a well – considered, way, and focus on the best, BIG way, towards providing a significant degree of self – help? In the end – result, each of us is responsible for own health, and well – being. Rather than blaming others, fate, or luck, it is far wiser to consider, the best way, to make yourself better, stronger, and more prepared, for any obstacles, etc.
Do You Really, CARE About Your Health?If you don’t really, CARE, about your personal health, and well – being, chances are, few others, will pay attention, either! Many of us, make the mistake, of taking this, for – granted, and, falsely, believing, it’s beyond our control, and, whatever, will be, will be! However, living the happiest, healthiest existence, often, is determined, by taking personal control, by creating a lifestyle, which aligns our priorities, with the best way, to get there!
Don’t Let Copd or Pneumonia Take You OutWhile an individual that develops pneumonia typically needs seven to 10 days to recover, the time for a senior with pneumonia may be much longer if at all. There is a high rate of mortality with pneumonia in the elderly. As much as 30 percent of individuals that are treated in a hospital for pneumonia die from it.
Getting It Right!: BABY StepsThe Bacon Brothers, wrote, and performed, a song, Baby Steps, which tells us, if we want to achieve objectives, effectively, we need to do so, in an incremental, planned manner! When it comes to getting it right, in terms of achieving our personal priorities, etc, and be as happy, and, hopefully, healthy, as possible, doesn’t it make sense, to plan accordingly, in a step – by – step, controllable way, using a series of achievable, BABY steps? When/ if, we are able to see, light at the end, of the tunnel, we reduce our unwanted stresses, and proceed, with a far greater degree of self -…
Affirmations: The Keys To Getting BetterIf you hope, to get closer, to being, as happy, and, hopefully, healthy, as possible, using affirmations, properly, and effectively, will help you get closer to where you might like to be! Affirmations are statements, made, and committed to, which are, both, positive, in nature, and wording, as well as in the current tense! This is far different from, merely using some wish – list, and/ or, hoping, for the best.
A Wellness Team Approach, To HealthSince, it’s your life, and health, doesn’t it make sense, to proceed, in the best – possible way, in order to proceed, as wisely as possible, and make the finest, personal choices, in terms of your personal well – being? Although, in the rest of the world, a more, holistic approach, to health – care, is often, used, and considered, in the United States, we, often, proceed, by emphasizing, what is referred to, as allopathy, or, a more, chemical, drug – related direction. In the past few decades, many physicians, and other health professionals, have become more willing to consider alternatives, and,…
How To Achieve Your DREAMS?How often, are we instructed, to try to live our personal DREAMS, while, often, not fully recognizing some of what that requires, and why? Henry Ford is often credited with saying, You can think you can, or can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct.