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Precautions in Complementary Therapy
Whatever you decide, do not just come off your pain killing medication because you are taking another approach. Control of pain and inflammation is important, and in most cases, non orthodox treatments will work well in conjunction with medical drugs. There may be exceptions, however, as for some homeopathic or herbal remedies, so never embark on these treatments without first consulting your conventional doctor.
Fire Pits – An Alternative Means to Health and FitnessFire, one of the classical elements, has been a source of life since the two proverbial sticks were rubbed together to ignite the first flame. It was used by ancients civilizations to produce warmth in the winter, to keep animals away from camps at night, and to cook food as far back as 1.9 million years ago.
Acupuncture and Its Beneficial Effects in Healing the BodyWhy is acupuncture such a great healing method? The beneficial effects produced by it even though very thin needles are pricked into the skin. How the acupuncture practitioner diagnoses and treats a health condition?
Choosing a Complementary TherapyNon orthodox medicine is becoming ever more popular for dealing with chronic diseases such as arthritis. Disappointment with conventional treatments offered by standard medicine often leads sufferers towards unusual therapies that they might never have considered when well.
How to Cure DandruffDandruff is a very common problem all over the world. This condition is characterized by a flaking, itchy scalp. The human body sheds old dead skin all over the body to make room for newer skin. Dandruff is the dead skin cells of the scalp that fall and stay in the hair.
Alternative Medicine From China – A Revealing Look – Is it For Everyone?We do not need to suffer the repeated dose of conventional medicine. Chinese medicine can address the cause of the problem and heal by regaining the body energy balance.
Healing is Natural With Baltic AmberTraditionally, natural Baltic amber is worn against the skin to reduce pain, promote fast healing, and support the body’s immune system. The natural oils in amber are then released into the bloodstream providing some amazing results: relieving teething pain in infants and toddlers; calming of mind and body to reduce and suppress anxiety; increasing the immune system to ward off infection, particularly respiratory illnesses; and alleviating joint and muscle pain typical of arthritis.
How to Stop Sweating – 4 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Too Much SweatIf you are one of those 3 million people all over the world who have been diagnosed to face the problem of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, then you must be proactive enough to find your own solutions as to how to stop sweating. Do your share of research by browsing through the countless of available resources online and therefore know the easiest ways of stopping excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis in your face, palms or hands, feet, armpits, or any other parts of your body.
Herbal Medicine and Its Powerful Healing PropertiesWhat makes herbal medicine so effective in controlling chronic health conditions? Why does Western conventional medicine have side-effects? How to find a herbal medicine practitioner?
Natural Remedies For Vertigo – Best MethodsHave you ever experienced vertigo? If so, I’m here to tell you, you’re not alone. This aggravating condition affects many people around the world every day.
Iontophoresis – Is it an Effective Cure For Hyperhidrosis?If you are staying in a very cool place such as an air-conditioned room, and yet you see yourself still sweating excessively, then you must be alarmed as what you are having is beyond normal sweating already. In most cases of such excessive sweating, there is a process known as Iontophoresis that has been proven to be really effective. It is a remedy that works really well with excessive sweating in hands and feet by using some electrical currents to get rid of excessive perspiration.
The Best Home Remedies For Wrinkles That You Should TryAnyone who undergoes graceful aging process has wrinkles. It is all part of the aging process. But if we can prevent it from developing and maintain our youthful appearance, then it will better right?