Lost 42 lbs in 17 Weeks (Keto & Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Journey Results)

In today’s Zoom call Roxana shares her experience working with me on her weight loss journey utilizing my Keto & Intermittent Fasting proprietary method to reach consistent weight loss and to improve her health.
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Healthy Keto Dessert Cookbook👇

Healthy Keto Plug & Play Cookbook👇

6 Pack Abs Killer Program👇

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Biggest Keto Mistakes 👉 https://bit.ly/2yBPxpri

Help: Weight Loss Plateau 👉 https://bit.ly/2xsljEG

What FRUITS are SAFE on KETO 👉 https://bit.ly/3dq24wh
🎥 CHECK HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH Intermittent Fasting 👇

🧨 http://bit.ly/2xwu9S6

Top 3 Fasting Mistakes 👉 http://bit.ly/2wdJHcW

The BEST FOODS To Break A Fast 👉https://bit.ly/2Xn5wlh

Complete Guide To INTERMITTENT FASTING 👉 https://bit.ly/3naVvm7

How To STICK to Intermittent Fasting [2 ACTIONABLE WAYS]👉https://bit.ly/2TTYIcG

Should I Fast While Sick? 👉 https://bit.ly/2y6E2pY

🎥 WEIGHT LOSS & Muscle Building Workouts PLAYLIST 👇

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* I’m not a nutritionist nor am I a doctor all information given has been gathered by personal experience and information that I researched and compiled over the years. Always consult a physician before starting a new diet, eating regiment, or workout plan.

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Aromatherapy Oils – Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil is derived from the flowers, of the Lavandula angustifolia, from the Lamiaceae family, previously known as Lavandula officinalis. It is still recognised as officinalis by some horticulturalists.

How Do Homeopathic Medicines Work?

Homeopathic medicines work with your body to stimulate the body’s own response to overcome the illness. Homoeopathic remedies re-balance the body’s energy system and therefore cure the problem because they stop the body responding to the pollen, virus, stress or other trigger that started the disease process. Homeopathic healing acts deeply inside the patient and therefore is able to make lasting cures on all levels; physical, emotional and mental. This holistic healing treats the whole person, not just the presenting disease.

How to Make Homoeopathic Medicines

Homoeopathic medicine uses very small amounts of natural substances to gently stimulate the body’s own natural defence system. One part of the substance animal, vegetable or mineral is diluted in many parts of alcohol and water. This mixture is shaken, and once again, one part from this mixture is added to many parts of alcohol and water and shaken.

Common Cold Home Remedies

While not as hard on us as the flu, the common cold can still make us miserable. Home remedies can help resolve some of the symptoms.

Why Back Pain is Worse Than it Sounds

Back pain can be an indicator of several different problems, and some of them can change your life. If ignored, a few might even end it.

What Causes the Pain in My Hand?

Some types of pain are caused by obvious problems; sprains, fractures and the like usually have a memorable moment that causes it. Other types may need the doctor to define. Rheumatoid arthritis often attacks small bones like those in the hands and wrists.

Aromatherapy Oils – Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil is expressed from the fresh skin of the Citrus limonum from the Rutaceae Family, also known as Citrus Limon. Lemon trees grow up to 6 metres in height.

Excess Underarm Sweating is No Longer a Big Issue

How one appears on the eyes of the others is definitely a big part of life. People of all ages, time, race, and origin are all concerned and fully covered with the idea of beauty. It seems that every single individual in this planet is constantly anxious about how others see them as a whole. Certainly, issues concerning beauty definitely concern the body as a whole. For some people, the standards of beauty are determined by their height or weight. Others are more interested with their color and skin quality while the hair is more important for some.

Ultra Helpful Facts About Nervous Sweating

Body issues have existed for such a long time most especially now that the modern world has an increasing standard of beauty when it comes to the human body. This has then brought about an array of different problems regarding one’s own body as well as how other people perceive it. Certain individuals however not only concern themselves with how other individuals might react to how they look but also how they feel inside and on the outside as well.

Effective Hyperhidrosis Natural Cure – Don’t Be Left Behind

Every single day, no matter where the place and time might be, people are very self conscious not only of how the way they look but also how other people look at them. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder that is why almost everyone tries his or her best to look really good and pleasant for others.

Excessive Underarm Sweat – Queries and Answers Discussed

More and more people are increasingly getting conscious of their body and how others perceive them. This proves to be quite true in today’s time as the standards of beauty rapidly fluctuates and affects almost every single person.

Stop Perspiration Starting Today – Learn How to Achieve it Successfully

Everybody has some form of issue regarding their body. We as human beings are not perfect individuals. We always want to look and feel our best no matter the time of the day is.

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