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“Resilient breathing starts with the nose.”
Leigh Ewin (@leighewin) is the Founder of, Wim Hof Method Instructor, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, Breatheology Instructor amongst other breathing practices, and also trained as a Bulletproof Coach at the Human Performance Institute.
As a trainer, coach, and facilitator, Leigh uses breathwork as a gateway to higher performance. His practices allow physical and psychological breakthroughs, whilst learning the true capability of these amazing vessels we refer to as the “human body” – and he also loves cold things. Learn about breathing techniques to support resilience from Leigh’s talk!
Brain Supplements For the Multi-Tasker
Ever try to do twelve things at once? Does your life seem to be a huge juggling act and all the balls seem to be ready to drop all at once? Why not look for brain supplements that will ease your stress?
Remarkable Health Benefits of GingerGinger may not be that delectable as a food but you will definitely be surprised on how much benefits it can give to your body. For those who are already eating it or mixing it with their foods, that is great. For those who are not yet including ginger in their diet, well, today is the right time to do so. Read the health benefits of ginger below and enjoy its wonders for your health.
The Cure Has Been Around All AlongThe cure has been around all along (for centuries, that is) and the ancient Chinese knew how to use it. It took time for modern medicine to tap into its potential but at least there is hope for everyone now. It will only be a matter of time before the cure will be offered to the public.
Dire Warning to Chiropractic Students!It’s about time somebody got real with chiropractic students. The cost of chiropractic education has skyrocketed over the last two decades while the quality and scope of that education has declined significantly. The likelihood of you being successful in practice has been severely diminished BECAUSE of your education.
Homemade Treatment for Vitiligo That Really WorksAlmost all types of disease can be treated using natural herbal remedies. Most herbs have medicinal benefits and can provide effective relief from symptoms of different diseases.
Overcoming Self Hatred and Healing Rejection Through the Word of GodOvercoming self-hatred and healing rejection is possible through the truths available in the word of God. The Bible brings light and life which results in healing of emotional problems caused by the root of rejection and self-hatred. Learn more about how to break free from dangerous emotions.
Can You Really Heal Yourself?If someone tells you that you can really heal yourself from all your problems and diseases, would you believe them? The answer would probably be no.
Simple Basic Ayurveda Tips for Good HealthVery simple health tips offered by age old Ayurveda wisdom. Ayurveda tips presented are simple health promotion suggestions to stay young and healthy. Health tips are very simple and basic and one can easily incorporate these tips into their diet and lifestyle.
Effective Secrets to a Liver CleanseThe liver is an organ that can define how well a person FEELS. The analysis and a possible liver cleanse, plays a primary role in treatment of patients by Naturopathic doctors. The liver is the largest and busiest of the bodies’ organs, more so that even the brain and literally hundreds of activities are performed every minute, daily.
Banyan Tree: Most Ancient Indian Herbal MedicineBanyan or Bar is the prominent herb widely known across India. The latex of the tree is very toxic in nature and has been used as medicinal herbs for several ailments since ages. The bark of the tree is really useful in curing secretion or bleeding problems. The fruit of the particular tree acts as great soother for the skin and helps in alleviating several painful and swelling problems of the body.
Facts About Canker Sores and Modes of TreatmentCanker sores are a dental condition where shallow and small ulcers emerge on the mouth and one has difficulties when talking or eating. These can either be simple where they only show up at least 3 or 4 times annually for around seven days or complex that show up many times. The exact cause has not yet been discovered but it is normally associated with tissue injury or stress.
Migraines Can Disappear With Alternative MedicineMigraine headaches have an increasing role in modern America. The stress increases and people have less free time. Migraine headaches can resolve themselves, but most do not. Many migraines occur in generation after generation of a family. These migraines may be rooted in genetic defects which surface in hormone or neurotransmitter issues that may require long term treatment. Diagnostic testing is needed to identify the main issue. Migraines can result from allergic reactions. There are some people with 30 or more food allergies and additional environmental allergies. It may help you to keep a diary to identify the allergen triggers connected to your migraines.