Is the Earth a Spinning Ball in Space?

How Your Focus AFFECTS Your Health?

You are what you think! This adage, is extremely relevant, to our overall health, and well – being. Whether one pursues, the best possible course of action, or focuses, on the negative possibilities, often AFFECTS whether we are truly, happy, and healthy, or, let our personal negative thoughts, dominate us, or, whether, we consistently, are ready, willing, and able, to focus on, being, happier, and healthier.

How Does ENERGY HEALING Help You Feel Better, Relieve Pain, and Assist Humans and Animals to Heal?

Energy Healing is one of the least invasive and most powerful alternative healing modalities you can experience. Energy Healing can assist humans and animals who are sick, injured, preparing for surgery, recovering for surgery, or just feeling out-of-balance and needing a boost-up.

Why Maintaining An OPEN – Mind, Makes You Well?

You can think you can, or can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct! These words, often credited to Henry Ford, form an important basis, and focus, for each of us, to proceed through our lives, with.

How To Improve Your State Of MIND?

The great, Groucho Marx, is often, credited with saying, It’s a matter of mind over matter, and if you don’t have a mind, it doesn’t matter! While, most of us, laughed, not only because of the words, but, by, how he delivered those, using his famous props (cigar, glasses, etc). However, perhaps, the most essential consideration, in terms of our personal health, and well – being, is, when, we focus, on doing things, and taking actions, to improve our overall state of MIND, our overall health, and happiness, exponentially improves.

How To Minimize Your ANXIETY?

While, it is normal, to have certain fears, and anxieties, unless, we learn to minimize the negative impacts, and effects, and handle these, in a healthier manner, we often become, our own, worst enemy! When we minimize the ill – effects of ANXIETY, we normally, become better equipped, to proceed, in a happier, healthier manner! The Nobel Prize Winner, Dr.

Conventional, Or Alternative Treatment?: 4 Considerations

Each of us, must decide, for ourselves, how to focus his treatment and health – care emphasis. Should we, prioritize a conventional approach, or an alternative one, or, would we be better off, using a wellness mindset? In the United States, unlike most of the rest of the world, we use an emphasis, on allopathy, or chemical/ prescription drugs, treatment, of our symptoms, Many other countries, emphasize, either, an alternative system, or some combination, of what we consider that, to be, with allopathy, known as Wellness Medicine.

It’s Your Health: How Much Will You CARE?

Since, one’s personal health, should be, perhaps, the single – most important consideration, and quest to address in a positive way, wouldn’t it make sense, to do so, on a consistent, persistent, and focused manner? Doing so, means, proceeding, in an introspective, objective manner, and being ready, willing, and able, to admit one’s weaknesses, while recognizing strengths, etc! When we take the time, and make the commitment, to regularly, give ourselves, a check – up, from the neck – up, it’s important to, identify, whether we truly do, and how much, we, actually, CARE about our health, and well – being!

PU Leather: Tips to Preserve the Condition of Your Reiki Table

PU leather is all around us. It is in our bags, wallets, wrist watches, chairs, tables, and many other things that we use everyday. It is a durable material and will last long with proper maintenance. Learn how to take care of your synthetic leather-based belongings by following the tips contained in this article.

Do You THINK You Can?

You can think you can, or think you can’t? Either way, you’ll be correct? These words, often credited to Henry Ford, should be a core focus, on our potential level of performance, attitude, and perspective!

Acute, Chronic, Ailment, Or Illness?

If you hope to be, as healthy, as possible, you must be ready, willing, and able, to proceed, forward, with an open – mind, and fully consider, all the available options and alternatives, which exist, in terms of maintaining your best, possible, overall health! This means combining the finest aspects of conventional medicine, with alternative health care, in a wellness – oriented manner. What one does, and how might be, the best way, to proceed, often depends on the type of health need, exists, and whether, it is, acute, or chronic, an ailment, or illness!

How To Enhance Your Self – IMAGE?

You can think you can, or can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct. This advice, generally credited to Henry Ford, focused on the overall level of our attitude, and whether, it will help, or hurt us.

How Do You Know, What’s WRONG?

How can anyone, become, happier, health, and more, personally, fulfilled, unless/ until, he identifies, learns, discovers, and knows, from the onset, what’s WRONG? Since, most people, refuse to give themselves, a realistic, thorough, introspective, check – up, from the neck – up, this process, is ignored, far too often! Doing this, takes the commitment, to take the time, and make the effort, to make yourself, the best you can be, which requires, identify, what might need, addressing, etc.

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