Interview: Prof. Benjamin Smarr (USA): The Time of Our Lives (Biohacker Summit 2019)

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Physiology changes in structured ways across time. Understanding the timescales of change to expect in data, and the relationships across systems and timescales within individuals, can be useful for reducing feature selection and more quickly getting to important signal when looking for change over time. But the way rhythms manifest in different people are different, and represent an under-explored frontier in biodiversity. We know less than you might think about even simple examples, like early birds and night owls, or ovulating-or-not. More subtle differences – like ultradian rhythm period and cross-system coherence – are only now possible to explore, but hold great promise for enabling more effective personalized wellness, diagnoses, and progression monitoring. However, the depth to which we can explore our more nuanced differences depends on societal trust and data security; two pillars that are currently not up to the task.

Prof. Benjamin Smarr works at the intersection of wearable sensors, time-series data science, and neurobiology, to discover new ways for individuals to know themselves, to recognize the deep diversity inherent in humanity, and to collectively contribute to more precise and inclusive state of public health. He focuses on women’s health and student well-being, but contributes broadly, from circadian ecology to human seasonality. He is also an advocate for the “Information Reformation” and “Democratized Discovery” as positive metaphors for transforming biomedical science in our age of distributed data generation. His activities have garnered global attention, from the BBC to Forbes.

Listen the full presentation of Dr. Benjamin Smarr by getting the recording package for all the presentations at:

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Looking For a Treatment for Kidney Stones? Some Simple Techniques That Work

A treatment for kidney stones can vary depending on the type and size of your stones. Most stones that are less than 5mm usually pass and dissolve without the need for any treatment other than taking pain killers (for immediate relief) and increasing fluid intake. However for others, a procedure is often needed to remove the stone in the kidney as a last resort.

Kidney Stone Symptoms in Women: What Are They And Do They Differ With Men?

Kidney stones symptoms in women are by and large the same as with men. However women can deal with the pain better than men because their bodies can already get a grip on the pain (as they are prepared to give birth after all!). The pain that women feel from stone problems is closest to the pain that they can get during childbirth thus they can handle it more effectively compared to men.

Preventing Kidney Stones: Get The Best Chance of Avoiding Stones in The Kidneys

Preventing kidney stones as opposed to just relieving their symptoms is very important, particularly for people who have a family history of stones. They are the ones who are more likely susceptible to stones. However, this kind of kidney problem can affect anyone (most commonly males between the ages to 30 and 50). Taking these simple preventive measures can also lessen the chances of developing stones in the kidneys.

Kidney Stone Causes: Can They Be Attributed to the Way We Live and Eat?

Most kidney stones causes can be attributed to lots of different factors. It can be a painful experience for anyone if they are not cured as early as possible. Knowing what causes your stones is a good way to prevent and treat them and ultimately stop them from coming back.

Early Precautions to Stop Flu Pandemics

Tamiflu oseltamivir is one of the most prescribed medicines for prevention and treatment of influenza. It can cure you of the early flu symptoms in just 1-2 days. It was taken by many people during the 2009 swine flu outbreak.

Obesity Gene and Therapy Suggestions

Sarah, who always eat lots of chocolate and cakes, is slim. On the contrary, Rebecca, who is strictly on diet and does exercise, still not be able to get rid off the obesity. What is the reason of this? Sarah and Rebecca both took part in a study to find out the reason. According to BBC news, scientists in Peninsula Medical School and Oxford University studied data from about 40,000 people and found the Obesity Gene, which know as FTO gene.

Fibre and Its Impact on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Looking for more information on fibre and its impact on irritable bowel syndrome? Find out more here…

How Your Diet Can Impact Upon the Proliferation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Looking for more information on how you can make changes to your diet that can potentially help your irritable bowel syndrome? Find out more here…

New Year’s Resolutions for Improving Your Health

Top New Year’s Resolutions include improving your health! Yes, you can improve your health in 2012. Why is good health so important?

Symptoms That You Have A Blocked Sinus

Every part of the body is very important as each of these parts carry out a certain function that makes you capable of doing the things in your day to day existence. Once a part is damaged or malfunctioning, it will definitely affect not just the productivity of your work but also the main body as well.

Hyperhidrosis Natural Remedy Guide

The body regulates its temperature and cleanses itself by means of sweating. However, too much of it can be quite embarrassing. There are certain treatments for such, from antiperspirants, injections to surgery. However, these can set off some side effects. So if you’re looking for safe and effective hyperhidrosis natural remedy, read on to find out a few.

Exercise And Menopause – Alternative HRT Includes Keeping Your Body Fit

Are you contemplating alternative methods to traditional drug therapy for use during menopause? If you are like me, I did not want to succumb to my doctor’s advice and take countless drugs to give me relief from hot flashes, mood swings and other symptoms.

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