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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease which involves increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries, which can in the long run cause right sided heart failure and death. Weakness, breathlessness, and occasional giddiness and falls are vague symptoms; signs and symptoms of right sided heart failure usually present in advanced cases or in those without treatment. 2-d echo tests, along with a clinical history, a possible family history, and other supporting tests can help in a diagnosis.

Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Erythema dyschromicum perstans is a skin disease which is also known as Ashy Dermatosis. In this condition, early legions may be reddish in color; however, the characteristic appearance is of grey, round, oval or irregular skin patches, usually on the trunk, extremities or face. No other abnormality is seen in this condition, which is usually observed in people with dark skin. This condition is present more in young adults and especially women. It is often considered to be a type of Lichen planus, and is usually diagnosed by its characteristic appearance, or by a skin biopsy. The standard modern treatment for this condition includes oral steroids, topical steroids, ultraviolet treatment, laser treatment, chemical peels, and Clofazimine. However, this condition is usually resistant to treatment and may persist for years, after which it may subside on its own.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a medical condition in which the liver gets inflamed and damaged due to various causes such as viral infection, drug reactions, over-dosage of drugs, exposure to chemicals, and chronic abuse due to alcohol consumption. Hepatitis can be either acute or chronic if it persists for more than six months. Acute hepatitis usually results in jaundice which can be either because of excessive breakdown of red blood cells as seen in malaria, or due to an obstruction of the bile flow either in the bile duct or within the liver itself.

Can I Still Be Healed? (3)

That influential, gallant, successful army general that came to Prophet Elisha had everything going for him but was unfortunately suffering from leprosy. There was a ‘but’ in his life. So many people you see today looking great have hidden, biting sicknesses and problems that only God, their doctors and maybe their close family members know about. Yes, they dress very well, ride good cars, live in mansions, and hold enviable positions, but something: sicknesses, problems, habits are eating them up from the inside. They are just like this great Syrian army officer, “Now Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man in his master’s sight and highly regarded; for through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. And he was a mighty warrior, but he was a leper.” 2 Kings 5:1. By his position as a successful army commander he was very influential and powerful. He had led his country to many victorious battles. He was also so much loved by his boss, the commander-in-chief; the king of Syria and his people. But this leprosy was a drag, a stain and a pain in his life and in all these attainment

Is It Safe to Buy Tramadol Online?

Buying Tramadol Online Without Prescription Is very easy, There Is a lot of Online pharmacy Where You Can Buy Tramadol Online Without Prescription, But Is It Legal To Buy Tramadol Online? Ordering tramadol online and getting them delivered by mail may be legal if certain requirements are met. These requirements range from ones you must fulfill to those that must be met by the business you’re ordering from.

Alzheimer Disease – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder involving cognitive and behavioral impairment. This condition is chronic and progressive, and severely impairs day to day activities, as well as social and occupational functioning. It affects the hippocampus, a part deep within the brain which helps to encode memories, as well as parts of the cerebral cortex which are involved in thinking and making decisions. Structural changes may begin to appear in the brain several decades before actual appearance of signs and symptoms.

Can My Dizziness Be Helped?

On her initial visit to my chiropractic office a patient asked me if her dizziness could be helped. She had been in an automobile accident and had suffered whiplash injuries to her neck. While I can never promise a cure, I told her that if we worked together as a team, we had a very good chance of improving her condition. This article will discuss how dizziness can develop when a neck injury occurs, how chiropractic care may be of help and recent research supporting the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for this problem.

5 Supplements Which May Help The Body’s Immune System

Perhaps, because of the current pandemic, and how it concerns, and worries, so many people, there has been, far more attention paid, to options, and alternatives, related to enhancing our body’s immune system. Obviously, there are several conventional approaches, and treatments/ medications, to address immunity, but this article will only, discuss 5 specific supplements, and how these, might have immune – benefits! It is important, to understand, prior to using, any of these, you should discuss, anything, you consider, thoroughly, with your knowledgable, experienced, health professional.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous Pemphigoid (BP) is a chronic, autoimmune disease with blisters in the sub-epidermal part of the skin as its predominant manifestation. This condition may persist for months or years, with a tendency to spontaneous remissions and exacerbations.

Thinking About Meditation? Check This Beginners Guide to Meditation

Are you thinking about starting meditation practice but you do not know where to begin? Well, check out our beginners guide to meditation to get started.

So You Think You Know Your Bible: Genesis Part 3 – Chapters 26-32

The book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is found in the Chumash or Pentateuch. Chapters 26 – 32 relate God’s encounters with the Abraham’s son Isaac and grandson Jacob; Esau’s loss of his birthright; and Jacob’s marriage and prosperity in Haran. This study follows on from Parts 1 and 2 of the same title.

Does CBD Oil Work? Studies Suggest So

There are many claims about CBD oil working to help ease pain, anxiety, the symptoms of MS, colds, arthritis and much more. However, does CBD oil work?

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