How The Valkee Human Charger Works (Review & Tips) • Timo Ahopelto

In today’s interview, I get to speak with Timo Ahopelto from Valkee about how to use the Human Charger device for mood enhancement, especially during dark Winter times.

#lighttherapy #mood #biohackerslab

In this interview we review the novel concept why Valkee, Finnish health startup, started shinning blue light from LED bulbs built into wearable ear buds that goes through your ears & onto your brain.

We then talk about how bright light therapy works and how transcranial bright light therapy is different to traditional bright light lamps used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Two big differences are you shine the light directly on the temporal lobes on the brain via the external ear canals and it only takes 12 minutes to use a HumanCharger session.

We then talk about other points regarding the unit and finally how people who want to try biohack their Winter blues or jet lag can do so with a 20% Off coupon code BIOHACK at checkout when they buy it online on the official website

For more information on a users guide and instructions walk through check out this video

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Quackery 101: Who or What Do You Believe?

How much money do you suppose is made by people for products that really don’t provide the benefits that are claimed? If you are like me, I have a tendency to get “sucked” in to the claims about the latest and greatest fitness or health product or procedure. How does a person tell the “real” from the “spoof?”

The Benefits of Magnetic Therapy

Alternative Medicine is a holistic approach to health and focuses on balancing the body to achieve optimal wellness. Today, alternative medicine is used in conjunction with conventional medicine. Advocates of alternative medicine claim that various alternative treatment methods are effective in treating a wide range of major and minor medical conditions. There are several classifications of alternative medicine. The most popular are based on traditional medicine, folk knowledge, spiritual beliefs or newly conceived approaches to healing. One of the age-old founded alternative form of treatment is Magnetic Therapy. Magnetic therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients.

Seven Major Benefits Of Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Yeast infection home remedies are generally effective and safe once it has been diagnosed and confirmed by a medical doctor that the symptoms are actually due to a yeast infection. Other microbial infections do show similar symptoms to yeast so this confirmation is important to avoid taking actions that will have no therapeutic effect against other pathogenic infections.

Is Herbalism Safe For You?

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Herniated Disc and Spinal Decompression Therapy

Disc herniation of the spine is a common disease presenting low back pain and sometimes involving sciatica. This means that people with disc herniation’s may experience low back pain and in some cases, sciatic pain. They may suffer neck pain, upper back pain, or shoulder pain if the problem occurs in the neck. Spinal decompression is a latest form of nonsurgical treatment that involves decreasing of pressure on the nerves exerted from a herniated disc, reducing pain and returning the disc to its original form by the suction it creates. Majority of the patients who received decompression therapy achieved strong, healthy, and properly functioning disc which led them to restoration of their quality of life.

Aloe Vera: Look Out For It’s New Uses

Your first aid kit probably has bandages, burn cream, gauze, and a variety of other necessary items in case an emergency situation arises. What it doesn’t contain though, is any aloe vera, even though it should. Recent study has found that aloe produces a specific compound that once given to patients who are experiencing rapid blood loss, or severe trauma, the compound enhances the diffusion of oxygen molecules in red blood cells which drastically helps support the body tissues.

Foley Catheter For Both Diagnosis and Treatment Of Urinary Incontinence

It is usually the elderly people who suffer from various urinary problems, such as, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and overflow incontinence. However, people who have crossed the age of 40, may experience either of the aforementioned maladies on account of their unwholesome drinking habits. It so happens that when the prostate gland (which encircles the urethra at the neck of the bladder) gets enlarged, it depresses the urethra and thus creates hindrance in the free outflow of urine from the urethra.

Inflammatory Foods List – Avoid These Foods to Eliminate Inflammation

Most of the time, when people complain about inflammation, they mean swollen and inflated joints, muscles and loss of flexibility and mobility. But chronic inflammation in your body can cause other diseases too – Some of them can be life threatening – Like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more. This is the inflammatory foods list – Start avoiding these foods today!

The Health Benefits of a Massage

The Health Benefits of Massage For thousands of years, simple but very powerful hand and finger massage and pressure techniques have been part of the natural healing system of China, Japan, India and other great civilizations around the globe. It is believed that the healing power and health benefits from massages will bring relief from pain and eliminate a wide variety of common ailments without drugs, medical procedures, and with no side effects.

Brain Health Supplements Can Help You Now and in the Future

At what level do you want your brain to be functioning nine years from now? The brain is a vital dynamic organ that allows you to function from day to day. The brain contains neurotransmitters; which play a major role in controlling state of mind (consciousness, emotions and behavior).

People Are Discovering The Benefits Of Aloe Vera

People with unwanted problems like aching joints and muscles, skin problems and stress are looking at the benefits of Aloe Vera to treat and prevent their symptoms. The plant can be found almost anywhere, it is easy to grow and turn into other things to help people. People who do not like gardening can buy the product as a cream or even as a natural tablet as they would their usual vitamins.

The Benefits of Using Decompression Therapy for Back Pain

Traction has been a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of low back pain. The newest incarnation of traction therapy is the non-surgical spinal decompression therapy which involves motorized traction, a treatment that can reduce pressure in the spinal discs, shrink disc herniations, and draw in fluids and nutrients necessary to retract bulging discs. It uses gentle force to stretch the spine allowing the discs to heal. Other than back pain, this non-invasive, non-drug therapy is also used to treat a wide range of problems that is associated with spinal injury, with the goal of improving a patient’s health and function.

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