What is the true biological age of our podcast host? Our guest today is Dr. Tom Stubbs, the co-founder and CEO of Chronomics, a personalized epigenetic testing company. Tom obtained a First-Class Honours degree in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry from Magdalen College, Oxford. Tom subsequently undertook a PhD in epigenetics at the University of Cambridge, which was broadly on the development and implementation of novel wet-lab and computational methods aimed at improving the understanding of epigenetics (specifically DNA methylation).
Dr. Tom Stubbs will be speaking at Biohacker Summit 1-2 November 2019. More information:
Reason Why You Get Sick
Nowadays, a lot of people choose medication to help them from illness. Are you one of them? Have you ever thought the reason why you get sick?
The Benefits of AyurvedaOur vehicles need regular servicing for their smooth working and increased life span then don’t we think our body that is working continuously every day, each moment needs servicing for its better health. Ayurveda has compiled various concepts of disease free healthy life for all individuals. One prime concept among them is concept of “Panchakarma Therapy”.
All Natural Pain Relief Comes From Dealing With The CauseAll natural pain relief can be the answer to your prayers if you focus less on the pain, and more on the cause when looking for treatment. By addressing the cause (the source be-it injury, arthritis, a hangover, etc), the effect (the pain) will disappear on its own.
Natural Health – Defeat The ChallengeSince the vast majority of Illness come as a result of poor Nutrition, apart from other Lifestyle issues (smoking, drinking, lack of sleep, eating late, etc.), our innate behavior is first searching for healthy Food, as soon as there is evidence of an unwanted symptom. We know that there is Food to sustain overall Health and then there is Food to heal specific conditions.
What’s Next After Your Bowen Therapy Treatment?Bowen Therapy is a specific series of muscle and connective tissue movements designed to treat a wide range of problems and injuries. Bowen Therapy addresses every system in the body, internal organ systems as well as musculoskeletal structure. Bowen Therapy has gentle, powerful moves that send neurological impulses to the brain, which then is given time to process and feed impulses back to realign the body. Respecting this feedback loop is essential for allowing the body to restore its own natural balance.
Best Natural Gout Remedies – Treating Gout AttackFood intake is one of the greatest factors that contribute to the increase of uric acid inside the body. No one wants to suffer the kind of pain gout can cause. Hence, best natural gout remedies are supplied around that could be helpful to treat the condition.
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast and EasilyHow to get rid of hemorrhoids fast is one of the most research information when it comes to health issues, because there are huge numbers of people all over the world suffering from this kind of condition. If you are suffering from similar condition, then this is the right time for you to look for the best ways to solve your problem.
Reduce Chronic Body Pain With a Yoga PoseYoga as a potential solution to chronic body pains is now gradually popularizing. Years ago, yoga had already been considered treatment to several body problems.
A Better Understanding Of Bowen TherapyBowen Therapy was developed in Australia and named after Mr Tom Bowen of Geelong. It is a unique form of neuromuscular repatterning. It works primarily through the nervous system on both structural and energetic levels.
Home Remedies From Bowen TherapyTom Bowen used and recommended many Home Remedies that are simple and effective and can be integrated with Bowen Therapy. I have listed here a few of them. All ingredients are easily obtainable in your local supermarket or grocery store.
How Does Bowen Therapy Work?There are many theories about the physiological mechanisms by which Bowen Therapy brings about the results for which it is famous. In addition to the rebalancing of the autonomic nervous system, Bowen moves and procedures may reset the body to heal itself by activating, through the nervous and endocrine systems among others, the following mechanisms…
Bowen Therapy Empowers The Body To Heal ItselfBowen Therapy is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that is revolutionising health care worldwide. It is named after Tom Bowen, Geelong, Vic and has been taught in Australia since 1986.