EP 206: “Conspiracy Theories” About What’s Really Going On In The World with Anthony DiClementi

This is a special edition of The Biohacking Secrets Show where I get interviewed by my close friend and fellow Light Warrior Nick Boskovich. This podcast was originally intended for release on his podcast The Bosko Show but we lost the video so we have decided to release it here for listeners of The Biohacking Secrets Show.

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Your Health Solutions and Whole-Body Regenerative Radiant Therapy by Far Infrared

The far infrared ray with a wavelength of 2 to 25 microns is considered the most therapeutic and the penetration depth in the tissues is about 1.5 inches or 40mm. This is the same infrared energy that our bodies radiate and thus is naturally safe for use in heat therapy.

The Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Learning the benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide therapy. Is it really a possible cure for cancer? What about arthritis or a multitude of other common ailments? Why doesn’t the FDA recognize these benefits?

History of a Healing Method That May Be For You

Upper Cervical Chiropractic has been around for years. Could it be for you?

Is Chiropractic Care Good For the Whole Family? KIDS Too?

Cape Girardeau Chiropractors have been very successful at helping both children and adults. Children can also receive a Chiropractic Adjustment when they suffer from an imbalance or dysfunction in the neck, back, or spine. However, since young children and toddlers’ bodies are different then an adult’s, it is very very very important (did you get very?) to take a specialized and specific approach for them.

Arthritis and Magnet Therapy – The Power of Pain Relief

Realign your bodies natural electromagnetic field. What? I did not even know I had an electromagnetic field, much less realize it needed realigning. If you cut through your skepticism you might just find some pain relief.

The Benefits of Alternative Health Treatments

Over the years healthcare has changed dramatically. Alternative health treatments provide a natural, gentle option for coping with a variety of illnesses.

Best Approach to Alternative Medicine

Medicine is that branch of health science that is truly involved with the maintaining, repairing and asserting health and then restoring and renovating it by treating the disease. It is actually an area of both the knowledge and its application i.e. both science and medical profession.

Armpit Sweating Problems – 3 Things to Avoid to Remain Cool and Drier

Why would people go to the Internet and search on the term, armpit sweating problems? People search for many things on the internet. Sometimes they’re just surfing for fun or curiosity. But mostly it is because there is something they really want, some need to be satisfied or some relief from the pain of a serious condition and that’s what’s going on here.

Discover New Ways to Heal With Bio-Energy

When it comes to health care, more and more people are taking matters into their own hands. Fed up with doctors that don’t deliver and the rising cost of health, people are turning to alternative medicine. There are some therapies that help you heal yourself, and bio-energetic therapy happens to be that unique type of therapy. Read this article to discover how you can heal yourself with bio-energy.

Yoga & Meditation – Favorite Alternative Techniques

We have only now begun to realize the power of these two alternative medicine techniques, but the truth is these practices were discovered ages back by the ancient hermits in India. Yoga & meditation are the two techniques which are performed in order to heal the body of its negative energy and promote the flow of positive feelings and energy.

Yeast Infection Home Remedy – Is it Possible to Use a Home Remedy to Cure Yourself?

There was a time in my life when I thought the only way to ever get healed of anything was to “go to the doctor and submit myself to whatever treatment” they saw fit to dole out. But, if I told you that there is an easy yeast infection home remedy that you could use with ingredients you get from the grocery store, would that ease your anxiety a bit?

Alternative Medicine – Jewelry That Heals?

Watches, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, were once used to decorate royal families from many centuries ago. Now, in present day the tradition of wearing jewelry hasn’t diminished.

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