EP 204: Becoming Conscious, Active, Present Love with Dr. Michael Ryce

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Healthy Eating For Uterine Fibroids

Many women diagnosed with this condition wonder if healthy eating for uterine fibroids can really make a difference. We all read and hear so much about how our diet can influence so many aspects of our lives and well-being that this is worthy of consideration.

Biofeedback Relaxation

I have used a number of biofeedback relaxation techniques in my counseling practice including handwarming, EEG biofeedback, and heart rate variability biofeedback, which is the tool I have used since becoming a licensed one on one provider in 2000. I like to teach my heart rate variability biofeedback clients another tool, which I believe works very synergistically with it, called Open Focus.

Ephedra Alkaloids Vs Ephedra Extracts

If you are serious about weight loss, you surely are testing all available products to determine which one is the most effective for you. You probably have heard about ephedra alkaloids and ephedra extracts.

Key Points of Chinese Herbal Solutions

For thousands of years now, every type of disease and its symptoms have been treated successfully by the Chinese herbal cures. Even today, China and Asia are using these ways to cure diseases. These herbal cures or remedies are just a part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The system of healing called TCM has many complex principles.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Constipation Permanently

Constipation normally occurs when there is a lack of fibre in the diet or sometimes it is due to a complete lack of fluids causing a blockage in the bowel duct. Here in this article you will find natural ways to get rid of constipation quickly and permanently.

Causes of Constipation That You Should Know to Avoid This Painful Condition

Constipation can be a very painful and uncomfortable health condition, and really hard to deal with. In this article you will find natural remedies for constipation that you can easily try at your home.

Home Remedies For Nail Fungus That You Can Try Easily

Nail fungus is a very common disorder which seems to increase at a random rate. In this article you will find natural remedies for nail fungus that you can easily try at your home.

Naturopathy Courses – Become a Holistic Health Care Professional

Naturopathic courses are becoming quite popular among students who are seeking a complete education in natural health and healing. Unlike conventional systems of medicine, Naturopathic courses support the principles of preventive and natural health care.

Home Remedies For Hives Relief

Every year twenty percent of the worlds population will have suffered from an outbreak of hives. If you are among this percentage of people, you know that hives relief is very important. Knowing what is causing the outbreaks is also important because if you know what caused it you will be able to treat it more successfully.

What is Causing My Foot Pain?

Foot pain can come from many sources, and not all of them are innocuous. Knowing the causes and the cures can make you a lot more comfortable, and may prevent future health problems.

Avocado – The Wonder Fruit

Avocado, the pear shaped fruit belongs to the genus Persea in the Lauraceae family. It is with dark green or blackish skin with a large seed. It is mostly seen in Mediterranean countries and other areas where the temperature never falls below five degrees.

Diarrhea Causes and Home Remedies

While some causes of diarrhea are serious, most of the time it is something minor that can be treated at home. Read on for some simple remedies which may already be present in your kitchen.

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