Decoding The Practice of Natural Movement with Erwan LeCorre

New podcast interview with Erwan LeCorre, founder and innovator of a physical education system and lifestyle known as MovNat. In this episode, we discuss the philosophy of natural movement. how to determine why you train, and the importance of maintaining a functional movement practice outdoors. To see the full show notes, please visit
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Chronic Bloating And Gas – A Case For SIBO

In our practice, we see a lot of patients that are struggling with chronic digestive symptoms. They complain of symptoms ranging from indigestion to bloating and constipation.

Alternative Medicine Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis (PF) affects approximately two-million people in the US, of both athletic and non-athletic populations. This condition can be debilitating and significantly affect one’s quality of life in a very negative way. There are few high quality studies on this condition and the most successful treatments. Treatments range from chiropractic care, physical therapy, injections and surgeries. Fortunately this condition can typically be resolved with conservative treatment and lifestyle modifications that can prevent going under the knife.

An Alternative Way To Alleviate Chronic Pain Post Gallbladder Surgery

Close to 700,000 Americans have their gallbladder removed each year in the US. Chiropractic visceral manipulation can be an effective means of treating post-surgical scarring and pain.

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy? This therapy involves lying down in a pure oxygen chamber or tube for a specific period of time. This is a well-established treatment method for decompression sickness. Aside from this, many other conditions are also treated using this approach, such as stubborn wounds, radiation injury, and many serious infections, to name a few.

The Health Benefits of American Ginseng

Ginseng was originally used as an herbal medicine in ancient China; There are even written records about its properties dating back to about 100 A.D. By the 16th century, ginseng was so popular that control over the ginseng fields became an issue.

Get to the Root of Your Issues

The first chakra, our root chakra is arguably the most important chakra we have and can be the root of all issues in your life if it’s blocked or not in balance. This chakra soaks up the energy from the earth and distributes it through our body and to each of the other chakras. This chakra deals with earthly grounding and physical survival. It also bridges the physical body with the mind to restore a healthy energy flow. Its the foundation on which we build our life.

Sound Therapy As Medicine to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Sound healing; What is the vagus nerve and why is it so important? Simply put, the vagus nerve is the commander in chief of your inner nerve center, regulating all of your major organs. This is the longest cranial never, which starts in the brain just behind the ears and connects to all of the body’s major organs. It sends fibers from your brain-stem to all of your visceral organs, and is literally the commander of your inner nerve center, communicating nerve impulses to every organ in your body. The word vagus literally means “wanderer”, because it wanders throughout the body from the brain all the way to the fertility organs, hitting everything in between. When it comes to mind-body connection, the vagus nerve is monumental, since it reaches all the major organs except for the adrenal and thyroid glands.

Life – A Labyrinth Maze

Take responsibility for the things you dislike and for the limited thoughts, emotions, and actions that lead to their inevitable creation. Stop thinking that life and the Universe are out to punish you. They are not.

How Tea Has Changed My Life

This article outlines several ways that drinking tea has improved my life and also gives you suggestions as to how it can help yours. If you’re trying to lose weight, quit smoking, or reduce anxiety, tea can help.

If You Are Constipated and Are Eating Healthy, Your Eating May Need Some Fine Tuning

Learning how to combine foods for nutrition, and learning which foods make you feel good, and learning which foods can help with digestion, will save your colon and help prevent colon cancer and other diseases. Sometimes it is finding your best proteins. Sometimes it is the balance between fruits and vegetables. Sometimes it is NOT about eating more grains.

Essential Oils Aren’t Just for the Diffuser

Many people look to essential oils as a way to create a delightful atmosphere in their home by using oils in a diffuser. Essential oils have been used for healing from the ancient civilizations through today. Many traditional doctors don’t suggest using essential oils because they want us all to take pharmaceutical drugs. These drugs may be necessary to cure severe ailments, but essential oils can help before an ailment gets out of hand.

Get Fast and Effective Results With Ayurvedic Medicine For Nerves Strength

Anxiety and panic attacks are common problems resulting from stress, work overload, and a hectic lifestyle. Nerve problems may give rise to muscular pain, insomnia, and body fatigue. To cure anxiety from the roots, try Ayurvedic medicine for nervous weakness.

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