Day 16 Carnivore Diet Experiment 🦁

Day 16 Carnivore Diet Experiment 🦁

I’ll be doing short Facebook live video updates everyday on my progress & thoughts each day on my carnivore diet experiment for Jan 2018 #worldcarnivoremonth

Today’s update is how had some dark chocolate birthday cake for my son’s birthday, question about how diet affects sleep and wher do you get your meat from poll.

For my other carnivore diet experiment update videos checkout the playlist here:

Extra Carnivore Diet Reading Resources :

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The Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice – Grow and Juice at Home With a Wheatgrass Juicer

Start to feel young and healthy by experiencing all the benefits of wheatgrass juice. Buy an electric wheatgrass juicer and start juicing at home today. You can even grow your own wheatgrass with a wheatgrass kit to save money.

Top Reasons To Enter The Army Boot Camp Training

On a yearly basis, a lot of people, both men and women, enter the army boot camp in order to undergo basic, general and advanced or specialized trainings. For an outsider, you will actually think why there are so many people doing this. If you are going to ask me, there are few popular reasons why people enter the army boot camp and undergo the trainings.

Myths About Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Why fear a tried and true healing technique if you have not tried it for yourself? Don’t let stereotypes hold you back from the healing powers of hypnotherapy – give it a chance before you write it off as something that won’t work for you. It can, if you want it to!

Does Zetaclear Nail Fungus Treatment Work?

Nail fungus is embarrassing but a lot of treatments are there to help you, one of them is Zetaclear. Does Zetaclear nail fungus treatment work?

Can Olive Leaf Help With a Yeast Infection?

Olive leaf can help someone get over the uncomfortable infection of yeast. Salmonella, syphilis, tuberculosis and E. coli all have something in common do you know what it is? They are among the most deadliest forms of bacteria in the world. This is what some people think about when they hear the word bacteria. However there are actually some good bacteria that can be helpful to someone. For instance have you ever head of something called probiotics? They are helpful bacteria found in various dairy products like yogurt. Probiotics can be helpful because scientists believe that they can fight bad infections and assist with digestion. In fact in someone’s digestive system there is bacteria than breaks down food. Also some studies show that probiotics can prevent colon cancer as well.

Live the Alternative Lifestyle – Stay Cancer Free Tips

Our activities and bad habits are the main reasons for us getting sick. A person will only get sick when he or she abuses him or herself. This article is about the common cancers and how the possibility of cancer can be lessened by a few simple measures.

Don’t Settle For Temporary Home Remedies For Thrush

Most home remedies for thrush are a temporary cosmetic cure. There is only one known permanent holistic cure that is guaranteed to end your recurrent thrush or yeast infection for good. The secret to a permanent cure to candida is fighting it at its source. Most home remedies for thrush will only fight off the external or visible parts of your thrush or yeast infection, you must learn to also attack this bad bacteria at its source, which is internally. Only with this external and internal attack on this over growth of bacteria can you truly get your body back into the balance.

Army Boot Camp: Things You Need to Know

You might be wondering what army boot camp is all about. Well, in the United States, this is commonly called the recruit training and basic training. This serves as an initial indoctrination…

Acupuncture – Alternative Healing Medicine

Having been around for over 3000 years with its roots traced back to ancient China, acupuncture is one of the oldest alternative healing medicine wherein principles of science have been studied and utilized in ways that are able to treat illness by bringing the individual’s body into a well-balanced and truly harmonious state of being. It has always been such a fascinating and effective method of healing that its introduction to various parts of the globe was deemed to be inevitable. It has been many decades since the first of the western minds had been drawn in to the…

Psyllium: The Psimple Psolution for Dieting and the Digestive System

Most people aren’t familiar with psyllium, though most have probably had some before in the form of Metamucil or other over-the-counter digestive aids. Psyllium contains a large amount of a soluble fiber known as mucilage. Mucilage absorbs water which adds bulk to the fiber in the digestive system. It also is soothing to membranes in the system, reducing inflammation. It is a healthy, cheap and easy solution for constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, weight control and, because of the soluble fiber content, it can help lower cholesterol.

The Benefits of Sunlight and Being Outdoors

The sun has gotten a bad reputation over the years because of harmful rays and sunburn. However, often times people get so busy, they never even go outside at all over the course of a day, thinking this is ok. Biut this is unhealthy and it’s hurting our bodies.

Lower Your Chances Of Developing Cancer – Include Omega-3’s In Your Diet

It is a well known fact that eating certain foods can lower your chances of developing cancer. There is data that suggests photochemical compounds in citrus fruit block tumour growth by direct action on the cancerous cells, restricting their ability to reproduce.

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