Day 14 Carnivore Diet Experiment 🦁
I’ll be doing short Facebook live video updates everyday on my progress & thoughts each day on my carnivore diet experiment for Jan 2018 #worldcarnivoremonth
Today’s update is how I have put on some weight for the first time since 1 Jan 2018, how I’m feel I got a healthy appetite back again, eating lots of different meat today including South African droëwors and asking if you’ve heard of sous vide cooking before and what is your favourite way to cook meat.
For my other carnivore diet experiment update videos checkout the playlist here:
Extra Carnivore Diet Reading Resources :
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Simple Tips on How to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally
The whole world is becoming more fast-paced by the day, causing many to go for the fast food option. It is also becoming more common for people to have higher cholesterol levels than in the past, and this is no coincidence. For those sensible ones amongst you who are concerned about the state of your health before those serious symptoms begin, here are some questions that you probably want answering!
Artificial and Natural Height EnhancersMost height enhancers in the market are commercially produced drugs or growth hormones that are artificially made. These are prescribed by doctors especially for children who lack the production of human growth hormones.
Feasible Ways to Grow TallerWays to grow taller play around the remaining possibilities of gaining bone length. This is generally because of the fact that when our bones stop lengthening, our body stops gaining height as well. People’s growth plates in the bones close at different ages giving rise to differences in maximum height. The age at which a person stops growing is determined by factors like genes and heredity, living conditions, nutritional intake, lifestyle, and physical activities.
Tanning Pills – Choosing the Most Effective and the Safest Amongst ThemAchieving a stunning tan skin is no longer the time-consuming and sometimes expensive process it used to be. With tanning pills there is no longer any need to schedule solarium visits or to slot time to go down to the beach. For a long time the best alternative to the two aforementioned options was to use skin tanning lotions aka pour-ons.
Hypnotherapy for Losing WeightHypnotherapy is not a magic formula. Nor is it a quick fix. Hypnotherapy does not make you lose weight.
Herbs, Naturally Good and Good for YouThere are herbs for almost anything that ails you. Cherries fight arthritis and pain. Strawberries fight tumors. Use food to take care of yourself and herbs to heal. After all, medicine came from herbs originally and just look at all the antioxidants! It’s just amazing what herbs can do!
Top Home Healing Remedies To Fight FatiguePeople tend to ignore fatigue and only tell their doctors about it when they already feel lethargic and unable to do their normal functions with gusto. When this may be caused by a more serious medical condition like adrenal exhaustion, food allergies or hidden infections, you should try these home healing remedies against fatigue even before you visit your doctor. Most of these home healing remedies are easily found in your kitchen. Taking in some of these natural foods will help increase your energy levels and reduce the symptoms of physical and emotional fatigue
Paranoia and AllergiesYou might think that there would be no connection between paranoia and allergies, but there was one such case for one homeopathic doctor. When a new patient came into his office about allergies he found he was also suffering from paranoia and a series of significant improvements unfolded over a period of time.
Focus Formula Reviews – Should You Use Focus Formula Or Not?Many people today are looking for Focus Formula reviews. This is understandable since there are lots of remedies to boost brain functions and concentration. It can be quite confusing to pick the right one. In this article, I will discuss this brain enhancement formula. Hopefully, this will help you decide whether this is the ideal remedy for you or a loved one.
Do You Know What Diverticulitis Is?Do you experience severe abdominal pain? A severe abdominal pain can indicate many possible health conditions. And of those conditions is diverticulitis. Many people are affected with this condition but the frequency increases with age. Diverticulitis is the inflammation of the pouch or the pouches in the walls of the colon called diverticulitis.
Find Out How To Effectively Reduce Inflammation In Your BodyThroughout your life it is very likely that you will suffer from inflammation in your body. This is not necessarily a bad thing as it is telling you that you need to change your lifestyle to avoid any future problems.
Kitchen Food Dehydrators – A History Steeped In PiracyWould you believe that the term Buccaneer is actually a French term referring to – meat dehydration? The history of food dehydration and the modern kitchen food dehydrator stretches all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia and even changes the way we look at our modern Western history.