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Chris Moore (@nordiclaboratories). He is a health entrepreneur and CEO of Nordic Group.
Chris’ purpose in life and business is to change healthcare and empower populations to take responsibility for their own health. He has dedicated his career to growing the field of functional medicine. Chris has experience in laboratory analysis, nutritional supplements and medical clinic management.
Nordic Group is composed of several subsidiaries across Europe including: Nordic Laboratories, 5 Nordic Clinics, DNAlife, Nordic Health.
They constantly invest in new technologies. Recent partnerships include:
– Resistomap- antibiotic resistance measuring
– Thermocheck – infrared measurement of inflammation in breast tissue
– DSruptive – injectable subdermal implants to relay real time health parameters to smartphones.
Traditional Medicine – Approach And Practice
The traditional medicine has lasted owing to the fact that it is born out of the countless experiences of whole generations, from century to century, from millennium to millennium; it is born out of traditions; it is actual and it comes from the beginning; it is as modern now in its efficiency as it was back then. As present generation, it is our duty to keep intact this treasury called traditional medicine and – if we are not able to improve and enrich it – it is our duty to pass it in the same condition to the next generations…
Chiropractic Care After an Auto Accident – A Wise DecisionMost are still in the dark about the importance of having a chiropractic consultation and exam after an automobile accident. Usually attention is only given to the obvious injuries. Commonly, one may wonder about the need of visiting a chiropractor when they are already admitted in a hospital with so many doctors around. There are different types of doctors with different approaches and philosophies.
Fibromyalgia Is NOT a Mental Disorder!We’ve all heard about it, you know people with it– that insidious syndrome of widespread muscle pain, persistent fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression. Most people who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia experience a feeling of helplessness as to what to do about it. No one else seems to understand how they feel, know what to do for them, or worse yet– say it is all in their head!
Silver Needle White TeaSilver needle white tea is also known as a white tea which has more nutrients than black teas and green teas. This is a delicate and sweet tea with a fresh fragrance. First timers will appreciate the smooth, sweet taste that lingers in the mouth and the fact it is easier to the stomach than green tea.
How to Stop Hyperhidrosis NaturallyThere are a lot of people all over the world who will want to know about how to stop hyperhidrosis. When trying to stop this condition you will need to be aware of the natural remedies. Find out how to stop hyperhidrosis naturally here…
A Cure For Yeast InfectionsIt is difficult if you develop a yeast infection. This is because the symptoms are annoying and can cause extreme discomfort especially if the case is extreme. If you experience the signs and symptoms of such condition, be sure do something about it.
What Deodorant Stops Sweating?In this article I am going to give you expert advice in order for you to learn what deodorant stops sweating. This information will help you cure the problem of excessive sweating fast.
Magnetic Therapy for Sciatic PainToday millions of people around the world are suffering from innumerable maladies most of which have no complete cure or have limited treatments. People suffering from these debilitating conditions are not ready to be treated with harmful drugs, side effects of which are little known and they are not willing to undergo surgery which has a lasting impact on the body.
How Oil of Oregano Can Replace Artificial Drugs With A Natural AlternativeIf you are interested in natural healing and healthy living, you’ll want to read on. Oil of oregano has long been known as an all purpose health aid. Mainly because of healing properties and germ killing derived from it’s active ingredients, all of which will talk about in this article.
Effective Herbal Home Remedies for a ColdSince the common cold is a viral disease, regular medicines stand no chance against it. The best that a regular drug can do with the common cold is usually to make it less intense. What could you possibly lose trying natural home remedies for a cold instead?
Saunas Can Be Beneficial To Your HealthYou can find locations where you can relax in saunas to help clear your skin, calm your mind, and ease aching muscles. People that relax in this type of atmosphere report a general over-all increase in health. Just spending time on yourself to relax and unwind can offer health benefits that will help you as you go throughout your work week.
Color Healing – Fun Ways To Use ColorColor healing is a such a fun topic… you can have lots of adventures and lots of joy with using color in a conscious way. One of the fun ways that you can use color is to go to the fabric store and get the 7 colors of the rainbow. That’s red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet.