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Pain Management Tips to Get Better Sleep Despite Fibromyalgia
A pain management clinic will emphasize the importance of better sleep for people suffering from fibromyalgia and Tips to improve your sleeping habits. Overall management through exercise, sleep regime and healthy living lifestyle.
Why This Stress-Busting, Energizing Herb Was Once A Soviet SecretLooking for something to help you with stress and energy? Find out why this herb, eleuthero, can make such a difference.
Alternative Options For Health Are Too Often Ignored!Fortunately more and more people are becoming aware and are waking up to reality that we can’t take our health for granted. One of the basic rules of life: You get out what you put into it! When we take on investment portfolios such as share-market, property or anything else we do our research and homework thoroughly before putting money into it. The question here lies in the priorities: Is money more important than our health? Some people may answer the question this way: ‘If I have enough money I can afford the best doctor and the most expensive medication!’ Yes, that is one option; you may let the investment money be managed by someone else with the best experience and still can lose it. There is some difference here – money is replicable in some other way, life isn’t. Does anyone else care about your life as much as you do? Probably not, even though they are getting paid for it..
The Therapeutic Value of Black FridayFinding therapy in the oddest places can sometimes make a world of difference. Even if that therapy is just a little bit of dry humor.
The Unique Health Benefits of Coconut OilIn the past few years, more and more people have been recommending coconut oil as a natural solution to a wide range of issues. These include weight loss, heart disease, skin care, hair care to name just a few.
The Use of High-Cannabidiol Cannabis Extracts to Treat Epilepsy and Other DiseasesThe news coming out surrounding high-cannabidiol cannabis oil is simply miraculous. Families are moving to Colorado to treat their children for rare epileptic conditions that no other medicines work against. Even the most powerful pharmaceuticals in the world are proving completely ineffective against conditions like Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome, infantile spasms, and more. However, through the use of high-CBD cannabis oil, these families are finding hope. The majority of patients using this oil are seeing massively beneficial effects, including near-complete remission. This medicine is going to change the world, and it’s only a matter of time until it is available to every human on the planet.
Healthy Alternatives to Popcorn ToppingsInvented back in the 1800’s by the Native Americans in Mexico, popcorn is a snack rich in fiber and low in calories. The whole grain snack just has a gram of fat that is placed in the corn. It’s the toppings we chose for flavored popcorn that might turn it into an unhealthy snack with a lot of calories, fat and sodium.
Apitherapy – Alternative TreatmentBee Therapy is the treatment of ailments with the use of products made from the common honeybee’s venom and honey. These medicines include bee pollen, raw honey, propolis and royal jelly.
Is Baby Reflux Something to Worry About?Baby reflux is an all too common condition akin to acid reflux in adults. Symptoms include frequent spit up, spit up that is forceful or projectile in nature, vomiting, fussiness that can’t be soothed and a baby who can’t sleep. A baby who doesn’t sleep often has parents who are sleep deprived and rattled as to why their little bundle of joy is anything but. Lack of sleep may also cause extra worry in parents, wondering if the reflux is an indication to a larger problem. It’s not uncommon for parents to ask for recommendations, solutions and medical referrals.
The Health Benefits of Craniosacral TherapyThe craniosacral system is made up of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord, spinal fluid, the spinal cord sac, and the brain. Along with the central nervous system, this system is the most important system contained within the human body. Learn more about the health benefits of Craniosacral therapy for overall improved health and well-being.
The Holistic Approach of Energy HealingEnergy healing like most of the methods of alternative healing has been a practice known and used since ancient times. It is met with skepticism, claims of fraudulence and in some cases legal action. Despite this it is practiced by many, some of which come from the respected field of licensed medical practitioners.
Hypnosis – A Portal to Your Past, Present and FutureHypnosis is more than a form of stage entertainment. Hypnosis is a valuable modality for complimentary health and well-being, it’s uses being many. This brief article explores but the tip of the iceberg! Hypnosis is evidence for the mind-body connection that is being understood to play a key role in understanding how consciousness affects the body.