Welcome to Biohacker’s Live Show! In this episode our guest is Dr. Emilia Vuorisalmi (FIN), Love Doctor, Speaker & Author of “High On Love”!
Emilia Vuorisalmi is a Medical Doctor on a mission to increase health and wellbeing with the power of love in it’s all forms. Her first book “High on Love” was a national bestseller and currently Vuorisalmi is helping people to create their individual recipe for sustainable love by holistically balancing the key love hormones. The sustainable love system will help you to find your true self and enjoy the benefits of a happy relationship where ever you are in life.
Dr. Emilia Vuorisalmi will be speaking in the next Biohacker Summit in Helsinki, 1st and 2nd of November!
Get your tickets for the 5-year anniversary event now at: https://landing.biohackersummit.com/2019
Aloe, Ulcers and IBS
While most people tend to use it for exterior skin problems, when taken internally, Aloe Vera is an all natural way to help people correct issues with their intestinal tract including ulcers and IBS. This comes at a great relief for people who suffer from these two painful and debilitating conditions.
How To Beat Cancer With Natural RemediesEvery year around the world between 2 and 3 million people are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer, about 132 thousands are diagnosed with a melanoma and the numbers are increasing every year due to the thinning out of the ozone layer. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that skin cancer amounts to more than 30% of all types of cancers diagnosed every year. An increasing number of people turns to alternative non-invasive natural therapies to treat cancer.
Shaolin Qigong – Discover Its OriginsShaolin Qigong as the name suggests originated from the Shaolin Monastery in China. Around 1500 years ago the Venerable Bodhidharma visited the monks of the Shaolin Monastery and found them too weak for the rigours of spiritual cultivation. The importance of this statement will be revealed at the end of this article.
Alternative Methods to Weight EliminationThe chronically overweight – well over half the residents of the United States – more commonly suffer from heart disease, strokes, and cardiovascular conditions. A sensible program toward weight loss could prevent some of the 300,000 deaths that occur every year due to these diseases.
Natural Ways to Attaining a Healthy WeightIn the United States, over half the population is overweight. This means that means that half the U.S. population is, likewise, at risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and stroke.
Find Relief From Digestive Disorders Through Chiropractic CareBillions are spent on medication – whether prescription or over-the-counter – to hopefully alleviate digestive complaints. Symptoms may present themselves as diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, as well as other issues of a digestive origin. If it goes untreated, digestive issues can harm one’s immune system, social life, job productivity, and overall quality of life.
The Golfer’s Character: The Ingredient for SuccessPart I: This article outlines, defines, and demonstrates how the game of golf exemplifies and characterizes life. It points out the good personality traits, or the “do’s,” that will carry over into your business and personal relationships. For example, honor, will, strength, and courage – these are a few characteristics that the golfer must have in his arsenal to score well both on and off the course.
Ten Steps To SobrietyThe path to sobriety is neither short nor smooth, yet is the only right way for having a life, in the true meaning of the word. Here are ten basic steps to teetotalism and, hence to regaining control over yourself. It makes no harm to try them out even if you don’t feel completely ready to quit alcohol.
Kidney Stone Removal Options And The Best OnesKidney stone removal is however one of the safest ways to get rid of this kind of excruciating pain. The removal is done during a procedure which is called a nephrectomy in medical terms. Kidney stone removal is a standard procedure covered by insurance companies.
Biomat Is the “Killer” of Stress!It may be hard to imagine but the fact is that modern day stress is one of the most rampant killers in today’s world. Stress related diseases kill more people than AIDS, Cancer and other diseases put together. These days more and more young people are developing heart problems due to the long working hours, tight deadlines and irregular eating habits.
Keeping Yourself From Becoming DehydratedMaybe you’ve been sick recently and have tossed your cookies a few times or had diarrhea. Or perhaps you are a big caffeine drinker. Or maybe you just don’t drink enough water. Either one of these situations can cause you to be dehydrated. Being dehydrated means your body doesn’t have as much water and fluids as it needs to function properly. Since the adult human body is fifty-five to sixty percent water, it’s easy to see what an important role water plays.
How to Sweat LessDo you have want to sweat less? Does it affect your life, your self esteem? Do you get worried and anxious, especially in crowds? I personally know how excessive perspiration sucks! This article will tell you how you can solve this problem and live your life how you want!