Listen to Dr John Limansky MD, US Board-Certified Physician & co-host of Keto Hacking MD podcast (with Jimmy Moore) talk about his top easy biohacks anyone can do to improve their health.
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Due to the metabolic and genetic differences amongst us, the one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. In today’s interview, we get a chance to talk about the importance of self-experimentation and how to go about it safely.
If you know someone who is interested in trying some easy biohacks to improve their nutrition, sleep, and general wellbeing, this interview is for them.
I enjoyed this interview and was excited to pick Johns’ brain about the best biohacks he recommends. We covered numerous topics during our chat and he shared some great tips, whilst keeping in mind people’s constraints around time and budget. While all the fancy gadgets we now have available can be helpful tools, his advice can be easily applied without expensive purchases or time investments.
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A Discovery of Reiki SymbolismThis symbol also helps to reduce pain if drawn over a damaged area of the body. On a more spiritual plane, it is also famous for unblocking chakras and getting the energy flowing again. There isn’t much information available about the Reiki symbols. Clouded in mystery for thousands of years, we have only our focused intention to engage this symbolic language. Yet the very act of using the symbols, with the pressing desires of our heart, allows for the activation of their diminished, but inherent power.
Dovetailing Reiki and Mainstream Health GivingReiki has been reported to help cancer patients with anxiety, fatigue, pain, and other common ailments associated with chemotherapy treatment. Although, many doctors have expressed the need for more thorough and rigorous experiments to learn Reiki’s true effectiveness.
How Reiki Entered Into Popular CultureThis applies especially to the Western culture of the early to mid 20th century, and the emerging global culture of the late 20th and early 21st century. Popular culture is heavily influenced by media, and is defined as anything that outlives the fad, or tadpole, stage of life. The surviving ideas of popular culture permeate the everyday life of a given society.
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The History of ReikiReiki is a relatively new healing art invented by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk, in 1922. It was later simplified by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui. Although Reiki has made a splash in recent historical records, legend has it that Reiki actually begun thousands of years ago in that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.
What Is Reiki?Reiki (Ray-Key), a Japanese tradition brought to the West shortly after World War II, is the art of channeling universal life energy, or God, through a body and into another in order to stimulate the relief of pain. The universal life energy is called Ch’i (or Qi), and it’s measurable via an EEG. It can also be measured with a Ch’i Spinner.
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