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Dry Scalp – Symptoms, Causes and Proven Home Remedies

Dry scalp problem is very common these days. It occurs when the hair root is not sufficiently lubricated by the oil or sebum secreted by sebaceous glands at the base of a hair.

Boils – Symptoms, Causes and Proven Home Remedies

People of all age groups are affected by boils. It can affect a single hair follicle or many depending upon the extent of infection.

Common Fennel – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Plant

The article deals with the healing qualities of common fennel. In addition, it describes simple guidelines on how to use the herb when dealing with flatulence (gas accumulation in stomach and intestine), spasms, lactation problems, lack of appetite, digestive disorders and other health problems.

Homeopathic Medicines Are Not Slow Acting!

While choosing the right drug for a person, applying the apt homeopathic principle is not easy. Always an expert’s advice is must while doing so. Matching the drug symptoms with the disease symptoms is what is done.

Tarragon – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Plant

The article deals with the healing qualities of tarragon. The herb is proven to stimulate appetite and facilitate the secretion of gastric juice. Besides that, tarragon excretes gas out of your stomach and intestine.

Aerva Lanata – Discover The Healing Qualities Of The Herb

The article deals with the healing qualities of aerva lanata. The plant is said to increase diuresis. It regulates the exchange of water and mineral substances.

Echinacea – Discover The Healing Qualities Of The Herb

Echinacea has anti-virus, anti-inflammatory and immunity stimulating properties. Remedies made of the herb can be used to treat and prevent grippe, poliomyelitis and various diseases caused by herpes virus.

Cure For Piles – Little Known Secrets To Cure Piles Forever!

Piles occur in your rectal area, where veins near to the anal region are inflamed. Piles generally manifest towards the anus within the body or outside the body. Piles ordinarily are not dangerous, however if they are not properly treated they can become very troublesome and may require surgery.

Black Henbane – The Healing Qualities Of The Herb Revealed (Part 1)

The article deals with the healing qualities of black henbane. In addition, it describes ways to use the herb when dealing with various health problems.

The Magic of Guided Imagery and Mind-Body Healing

There are five important things to know in order to understand the amazing power of mind-body healing. When you understand these, you will see how to use the power of your mind-body connection to augment your regular therapy and enhance your body’s healing ability.

Why Do People Consume Pomegranate Juice?

The reasons for consuming pomegranate juice are varied and complex. However there is a long running theme that is common to all the recommendations. The juice is very healthy. It is also particularly healthy. This article explores some of the reasons why people would be happy to consume this juice over the other options such as orange juice.

Candida Cleanse Is The Stable Remedy For Fungal Contamination

Candida is one condition that is really detested. More commonly known as yeast infection, the fungal disease is brought on by the Candida bacteria. You can easily buy instant treatments for this sort of infection.

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