Dr. Rob Konrad is the CEO and Co-Founder at Biolytica. He believes that the current healthcare system is fundamentally broken and needs to be re-thought, shifting from a sick-care model to one that focuses on prevention, health promotion, and longevity. Through talks, panels, and workshops, he hopes to help make this change a reality.
This interview was filmed during Biohacker Summit Amsterdam in October 2022. Get your tickets for the next Biohacker Summit at: https://biohackersummit.com
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Is Magnetic Therapy For Real?
A magnetic necklace saved my sanity! Okay, I know that sounds pretty dramatic, but I assure you, it is true.
Cardiac Health Can Be Greatly Enhanced With the Use of Arginine and Nitric OxideI uncovered a massive amount of research which has been done on natural alternatives. The pharmaceutical companies spend millions to convince us that only commonly prescribed drugs will fix your cardiovascular issues. I have found out otherwise and give that information so others may benefit.
An Immune System FoodIn the latter part of the 20th century, bee product remedies used as immune system foods were mainly discarded in the West in favor of chemical medicines, but their uses are now in the forefront of popularity, as modern antibiotics in particular are proving increasingly ineffective against mutating strains of bacteria and viruses. Just like many people, I was tired of spending year after year on the miserable merry-go round of seasonal contagious illness battling against coughs, nasal congestion, sore throats, sinus infections, body aches and fatigue of colds and flu.
Natural Immunity For Swine Flu Or Any Flu!We hear a lot about immunity issues these days. Every year there is a new “immune emergency” that we must be protected against. We hear that we all “must get” the new vaccine to be protected or we will die from the current (swine flu, bird flu, Asian/Spanish/European, etc.) The ABC News page even knows that this is more a clever marketing ploy using fear as a motivator, to get you to open your wallet, and empty your brain in allowing them to manipulate our health and wellbeing.
Top 10 Medical Uses of Castor Oil – Discover How it Supports Your Health and Well-BeingPerhaps, you have heard of castor oil, the pale yellow liquid that comes from the tropical castor bean plant and regarded for its many healthful benefits. But do you know exactly what is the oil used for in medicine?
Colds and Flu UpdateOne such alternative natural research began in the 1960’s in Denmark and France with studies by Dr.Remy Chauvin and Aagard Lund. Lund was the one of the first in the West to recognise the properties of Propolis a resinous compound produced by bees as an immune stimulant, with antibacterial properties. Chemical analysis reveals that it is a complex amalgam of plant resins, beeswax, aromatic oils and bee pollen.
Naturopathic HealthNaturopathy, the study behind Naturopathic health began at the start of the 20th century. Followers of Sebastian Kneipp, a Bavarian priest who believed in the healing powers of nature, founded Naturopathy and popularized it in many places in Europe and the United States. As its popularity increased, Naturopathy was taught in over twenty schools in the US.
Natural Alternative Remedies For High Blood PressureHigh blood pressure or hypertension affects nearly one in every three adults in the United States. Symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, dizziness or dizzy spells, and nosebleeds. Though the illness affects a large chunk of society, one-third of people who have high blood pressure do not realize that they have this illness and attribute their symptoms to other causes.
Remedies For Natural HealthIn recent years, natural health remedies have become increasingly popular. More and more, people are looking for natural ways of healing themselves of common everyday ailments, occasional non-serious illnesses, and some serious diseases. Natural health remedies or alternative medical practices usually focus on healing the cause of the problem instead of simply alleviating the symptoms.
Homeopathy RemedyHomeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illnesses or relieves discomfort in a non-toxic manner. It is widely practiced throughout the world, and works on two main laws: the law of similar and the law of potentization. Like many forms of alternative medicine, homeopathy allows for self-practice if the illness or ailment is not serious or terminal.
Gout Home Remedies – Safe, Simple and EffectiveRather than relying solely on prescribed drugs and medicine that takes away your control, more and more gout sufferers are looking to natural remedies for their gout. This article examines a number of natural home remedies that are safe, with no side effects, simple, you probably have many of them at home already, and effective, thousands of past sufferers testify to the effectiveness of specific natural home remedies.
Want to Treat Toenail Fungus? Here Are 3 Things to Be Careful of When Trying to Treat Nail FungusIf you’re trying to treat toenail Fungus then you should do yourself a favor and skip the home remedies. Over the past few years I have struggled with trying to live with the embarrassing effects of having toenail fungus and if…