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Recorded at Biohacker Summit 2016.
Acute Upper Airway Inflammation And Cough – Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Them (Part 1)
The article deals with effective natural remedies to get rid of acute upper airway inflammation and cough. Before using any herbal remedy, you should inform your doctor about your intent.
Acute Upper Airway Inflammation And Cough – Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Them (Part 2)The article deals with effective natural remedies to get rid of acute upper airway inflammation and cough. Before using any herbal remedy, you should inform your doctor about your intent.
How to Stop Sweating So Much That You Can Wear Whatever You WantDo you want to learn how to stop sweating so much? I know I did when I had a terrible sweating problem, and I would do anything to just be like everybody else.
Problem With the American Health MindsetThe biggest part of the problem stems from the belief that how we FEEL is a reasonable way to determine how healthy you are. So many things we do to quickly fix our problems make us feel better, but are literally letting are bodies rot from the inside out! What use is feeling good, if our body’s ability to keep us healthy and well is slowly fading away?
How to Stop Sweating NaturallyThere are many people looking to learn how to stop sweating naturally. If you’re one of them then you need to read this article because I am going to show you what you can do to treat this problem.
How to Cure Sweaty Hands – Is There Really a Foolproof Method?If you’re wondering how to cure sweaty hands then make sure you read every word of this article before doing anything else. I know what it’s like to suffer from consistently sweaty palms, because I used to have this condition for many years and it was so frustrating and embarrassing to live with.
How to Stop Underarm SweatingIn order to learn how to stop underarm sweating I strongly advise you to read the rest of this article, because I have dealt with the problem effectively myself! Sweating is a perfectly normal bodily function and helps to cool us down when our body overheats.
Stop Sweating and Start Living by Confronting Your Armpit Sweating ProblemsThe most common and insidious type of hyperhidrosis that causes people distress are armpit sweating problems. By taking the advice here, you can minimize the condition and begin feeling confident again out in public.
Healthy Living And Nutrition – A Guide To PreventionRather than relying on medicine to ‘correct’ our problems shouldn’t we think about prevention. This can be easily achieved by better nutrition and lifestyle habits. A healthy body is better equipped to ward off maladies or in case of getting sick, recover speedily.
What Does Drug Discovery Mean?Along history, all forms of healers have done their best to identify remedies for various ailments that afflict us. This process started with the usage of natural elements (minerals, plants, animal parts) in all sorts of manners (inhaling vapors, ingesting, rubbing). Some of the best known drugs discovered in the last couple of centuries are based on extracts of such natural elements, either found on purpose or while looking for something completely different.
The Best Kidney Stones Diet For You to TryKidney stones can be very painful. Whether you have inherited the condition or your lifestyle caused it, it is important that they get treatment earliest. The best alternative is to try to pass them out of the body naturally. To get rid of kidney stones in a natural way it is very important that you plan your diet well.
Bladder Infection After Sex – Why Antibiotics Are Not RecommendedThere are many reasons why bladder infections are particularly widespread among women. One of the most common ways that cystitis can take hold is as a result of normal sexual activity in a loving relationship. Understanding how this happens and what you can do to both cure and prevent attacks of this unpleasant illness without needing to use antibiotics is described in this article.