Balance Anabolism & Catabolism for Longevity & Performance (Siim Land)

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Siim Land (@siimland) is known as the biohacking prodigy from Estonia. Despite his young age, he’s written several books about cutting edge information related to longevity, performance, stress adaptation, autophagy, fasting, and sleep. He’s been a speaker at the top biohacking events in the world and creates content online about becoming healthier and more resilient

This presentation was filmed during Biohacker Summit Tallinn in September 2018. Check​​​​ for upcoming events & tickets!

Advantages of Alternative Medicine – Finding the One That Delivers Most

The advantages of alternative medicine are becoming more well known as people come to realise that a lot of the available health care does more harm than good. This new theme of taking responsibility for your own health, and so life, could be the key to your future good health.

What is Ayurveda?

Not all systems of medicine are based on the need to correct ailments that are already present. There are many medical systems that are of all around a more philosophical approach to the prevention of illness in the first place, and one of the most ancient of all of them is Ayurveda. This is a word that is derived largely from Indian culture, and focuses primarily on the principles that allow the body to function. In spite of its apparent complexity,

What is Beauty Therapy?

If you ever heard anybody talk about how nice a pedicure or facial mask might be after they had a long stressful day at the office, and you already have an idea of what beauty therapy is. Sure it’s true that a lot of people “pamper themselves” because they like the way that skin and hair treatments make them look, but there’s another, much more therapeutic side to the beautification of your own body. The fact is that any time you do something for yourself that makes you feel like a more beautiful person, especially if it’s not something you’re able to do that often, it goes a long way to making you feel better about yourself as a whole.

What is Bowen Therapy?

More often than not, the most effective and least invasive medicine known techniques are ones that do nothing more than allow the human body to engage in its own capacity for self healing. The body is miraculous machine, and is capable of withstanding an incredible amount of trauma, but that trauma often takes its toll in ways that aren’t immediately apparent.

What is Biofeedback?

Over time, the human body has developed the ability to control itself without requiring the constant attendance of the conscious mind. Subconscious activities such as the beating of the heart of the breathing of the lungs can be done without the mind having to actively will them to happen. This is largely a measure of self preservation; it frees up the consciousness to be able to freely engage in higher thought, and also allowed for us to survive long lapses of consciousness like sleep.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Toenail Fungus? It’s With You to Decide!

Apple cider vinegar is popular enough among a large circle of people who have faith in natural home cures. However, there are people who do not support the treatment of toenail fungus when compared with other treatment options.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment For Excessive Sweat

The trouble of excessive sweating is common for a few people. But one should not worried so much about it, because it can be controlled with proper handling.

Natural Eczema Remedy – Fight Eczema From the Inside

Eczema is a common skin disease which does not choose its victims. Eczema can affects any person from any race, community, religion or country; in a whole it can happen to anyone. It is important to know that eczema is not contagious but it is mostly regarded as hereditary. However, eczema is more likely to disappear when it is treated from the inside by using natural eczema remedies.

Options For Natural Eczema Treatment

Any particular treatment for eczema, either natural eczema treatments or medications, will not give same results to anyone who tries. The reason is because eczema manifests differently in different people. There are several natural eczema treatment options available.

Options For Natural Eczema Treatment

Any particular treatment for eczema, either natural eczema treatments or medications, will not give same results to anyone who tries. The reason is because eczema manifests differently in different people. There are several natural eczema treatment options available.

Natural Eczema Treatment – How to Get Rid of Eczema

Only eczema suffers know about the intense itching they have to deal with. Some find it hard or even impossible to get relief with medicines and they rely on natural eczema treatment which appears to be very efficient.

What is Acupressure?

The ironic thing about traditional ancient types of medicine whose origins date back thousands of years is that oftentimes they’re safer, and even more effective than modern medication, which can sometimes cause more side effects than they’re worth. There’s an entire field of study behind the science that supports the practice of acupressure, and it revolves around the examination of strategic pressure points on the human body.

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