Biohacker Summit 2015 – Evening Program
http://www.biohackersummit.com The coolest evening program of any conference can be experienced at the Biohacker Summit!

Biohacker Summit – Teemu Arina: Opening Remarks – Welcome to Better, Faster and Stronger
Teemu Arina has a professional career of over 15 years as a technology entrepreneur, author and speaker. He is one of the forefront thinkers on the intersection of the human and the machine, social media, digital work and online learning.…

Biohacker Summit – Leena Pennanen: Meditation and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
Leena Pennanen is a mindfulness-pioneer and founder of Center for Mindfulness, Finland. With over 25 years of expertise in the body-mind connection and its impact on our well-being, Leena is one of the leading experts in Finland in this field.…

Biohacker Summit – Kaj Sotala: Practical and Moral Implications of Artificial Intelligence
http://www.biohackersummit.com Kaj Sotala is a researcher and author interested in both the risks of advanced artificial intelligence, and in developing communities that support the growth and flourishing of all their members. He has worked for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute…

Biohacker Summit – Maria Lorenz: Mind and Time Management in the Age of “No Time”
Maria Lorenz is a Mind- and Time-Management trainer with 7 years of training experience with world leading organizations such as BMW, General Electric, Microsoft, Deutsche Telekom and Supercell. Interested in her early life in the art of meditation she received…

Biohacker Summit – Tami & Venla: Acro Yoga Performance
http://www.biohackersummit.com The performance starts with a few soft movements to warm up the body, building a flow towards more challenging acrobatic tricks. In AcroYoga it is important to listen to your body, be present at the moment and find harmonic…

Biohacker Summit – Panel: Future of Wearables for Health & Wellness
http://www.biohackersummit.com Chair: Timo Ahopelto, Health Tech Investor at Lifeline Ventures Simon Wegerif (UK), Biomedical Engineer, Inventor and Founder at HRV Fit (iThlete) Niina Venho, Electronics Manufacturing Professional and CEO at Moodmetric Petteri Lahtela, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO at Ōura

Biohacker’s Handbook Presents: Hacking Immunity
http://www.biohackersummit.com Presented by Teemu Arina, Jaakko Halmetoja and Dr. Olli Sovijärvi. Biohacker’s Handbook weaves together novel perspectives on technology, nature and self-development. A biohacker sees his or her body as a complex system that can be probed, analyzed, understood, and…

Biohacker Summit – Dr Max More: Transcending What It Means to Be Human
http://www.biohackersummit.com Max More is an strategic philosopher recognized for his thinking on the philosophical and cultural implications of emerging technologies. More’s contributions include founding the philosophy of transhumanism, developing the Proactionary Principle, and co-founding Extropy Institute, an organization crucial in…

Biohacker Summit – Bob Schafer – Cheaper, Faster, Better
Bob Schafer is a Product Scientist at Lumos Labs, the makers of the Lumosity brain training program. In his role, Bob combines his background in neuroscience research and product development to help translate scientific knowledge into products for assessing and…