Alitura Skincare Top Tips for Healthy Looking Skin • Andy Hnilo

In today’s interview, I get to speak with Andy Hnilo founder of Alitura skincare products where he shares his top natural skincare tips and how to use a clay mask correctly for both men or women.

#skincare #healthyskin #biohackerslab

Andy is the founder of the popular Alitura clay mask which contains only natural ingredients.

He is passionate about not putting chemical toxins, artificial fillers and foaming agents in any of his products.

He explains how he used the clay mask to help heal his skin after his accident to his face and jaw. This allowed him to keep modelling and work as a Hollywood actor.

Andy and I talk about advanced user tips to consider and even go into how to use the clay in your hair if you want.

Andy shares how the product range is more than just the clay mask and now includes: derma rollers, night creams, moisturisers and with more to come like hair products.

If you would like a 15% off discount on any Alitura skin product then go to the online store at and use the 15% off coupon code BIOHACK at checkout.

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