6 WEEKS Natural Body Transformation #Short and To The Point

6 WEEKS Natural Body Transformation #Short and To The Point

Introducing Rolfing As a Method to Achieve Integrated Physical Functioning

Rolfing, first developed by Dr Ida Rolf, is internationally known as a safe way to counteract the stresses and physical imbalances stored in the human body. When in perfect alignment, each body part functions in balance in relation to the whole in an integrated way. If this is disrupted through the effects of gravity over time, physical trauma and bad posture, the result can be stress, loss of mobility and pain.

Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat

Sore throat season is rolling around yet again. It’s time to stock up on remedies for it, but do you know what to buy?

Blessed Thistle – The Healing Qualities Of The Herb Revealed (Part 1)

The article deals with the healing qualities of blessed thistle or holy thistle. In addition, it describes helpful guidelines on how to use the herb when dealing with dysentery, fever, digestive disorders, gas accumulation in intestine and stomach, diarrhea and other health problems.

Lighten the Load – Alternative Methods to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common symptoms of disorders concerning the nervous system. It is usually caused by a condition in the muscles or spine. It can be experienced by anyone at any age, but older people are more vulnerable to this condition due to changes in the body that accompanies aging. It usually impairs their ability to move around freely and the pain can even interfere with their sleep at night. People who work in offices and spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer or their desk also have higher risk to suffer from back pain.

Birch – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Plant (Part 1)

The article deals with the healing qualities of birch. It describes helpful guidelines on how to use the plant for medical purposes.

Birch – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Plant (Part 3)

The article deals with the healing qualities of birch. It describes helpful guidelines on how to use the plant for medical purposes.

Birch – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Plant (Part 2)

The article deals with the healing qualities of birch. It describes helpful guidelines on how to use the plant for medical purposes.

Belladonna – Uncover The Healing Qualities Of The Herb (Part 1)

The article deals with the healing qualities of belladonna or deadly nightshade. Belladonna remedies are used as antispasmodic remedies and pain-killers.

Burns – How Can They Be Managed?

Put out the fire. Smoother flame with fire blanket, rug, blanket or any heavy material that is handy.

Blessed Thistle – The Healing Qualities Of The Herb Revealed (Part 2)

The article deals with the healing qualities of blessed thistle or holy thistle. In addition, it describes helpful guidelines on how to use the herb when dealing with various health problems, such as nerve weakness, anemia, hysterics, cardiac insufficiency, asthma, herpes, slowly healing wound, and etc.

The Importance of EMF Protection

Find out about electromagnetic fields, or EMF. EMF may cause physiological and neurological damage.

Natural Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Can Provide Good Results

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a serious illness that affects the way the body functions. It weakens the immune system, causes memory problems, makes the whole body weak and tired all the time, and makes you allergic or sensitive to your surroundings. Living with Chronic Fatigue can be difficult, but it can be treated so you are able to live your life easily and happily.

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